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HMICFRS LogoHis Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS – previously just HMIC) carries out inspections of police forces. These can range from individual function areas through to critical national issues and themes across the police service. HMICFRS also provide an interactive tool which allows users to compare data on recorded crimes and incidents, quality of service and resources for all police forces in England and Wales.

Find out more about the inspections of Warwickshire Police

This page gives you access to those reports prepared by HMICFRS on Warwickshire Police and the Police and Crime Commissioner’s responses to those reports.

How we respond to HMICFRS

Following agreement between the PCC and the chief constable, a two-tier approach has been adopted in Warwickshire to effectively navigate and manage the significant volume of HMICFRS reports and super-complaints that are published.

National thematic reports

For national thematic reports, all areas for improvement, causes for concern and recommendations made by HMICFRS are accepted by Warwickshire Police in full.  The report is added to a tracker spreadsheet by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC). The entry includes a summary of the main findings of the report, together with a listing of the AFI’s, causes of concern, and recommendations, for ease of reference. The tracker is shared with Warwickshire Police for noting and for the addition of any comments, should the chief constable wish to do so.

Warwickshire Police allocates a senior officer to lead on the progression of all points noted in the report and tracks progress separately.  The OPCC monitors the progress made against each AFI, cause of concern and recommendation through the Force Assurance Board and, as necessary, through the OPCC’s holding to account mechanisms.

The OPCC HMICFRS tracker is sent to the HMICFRS and the Secretary of State in accordance with the requirements of the legislation. A copy is also published quarterly on this website and can be found below.

HMICFRS Reports Tracker Q2 2024/25

Force-specific and other notable reports

We publish a copy of the relevant force inspection report and a copy of the response from the Police and Crime Commissioner in the table below.

We also publish responses to other notable reports, such as Super-complaints, in the same way.  A super-complaint is a complaint made by a designated body that sets out the feature, or combination of features, that in the opinion of the designated body appears to be significantly harming the interests of the public.  Occasionally there are recommendations made by HMICFRS in response to Super-Complaints that are applicable to PCCs and where a response is requested to be provided.

Date of report Report Title PCC Response
2 July 2024 An inspection of the West Midlands regional response to serious and organised crime

Response to HMICFRS report: An inspection of the West Midlands regional response to serious and organised crime

21 Sep 2023 A report into the effectiveness of vetting and counter-corruption arrangements in Warwickshire Police

Response to HMICFRS report:  Vetting and Counter Corruption Inspection

20 Jul 2023 Management of terrorist offenders in the wake of terrorist attacks

Response to HMICFRS report: Counter Terrorism Joint Inspection

6 Jun 2023 Warwickshire – National child protection inspection post-inspection review Response to HMICFRS Report: Warwickshire – National child protection inspection post-inspection review
2 Nov 2022 An inspection of vetting, misconduct, and misogyny in the police service Response to HMICFRS report: An inspection of vetting, misconduct, and misogyny in the police service
14 Oct 2022 PEEL 2021/22 – An inspection of Warwickshire Police Response to PEEL 2021/22 – An inspection of Warwickshire Police
5 Aug 2022 Warwickshire – National child protection inspection Response to Warwickshire – National child protection inspection
9 Feb 2022 Report on an unannounced inspection visit to police custody suites in Warwickshire Response to report on an unannounced inspection visit to police custody suites in Warwickshire
5 Aug 2021 Roads Policing: Not optional – An inspection of roads policing in England and Wales Response to HMICFRS Report – Roads Policing: Not Optional
26 May 2021 Report on Hestia’s super-complaint on the police response to victims of modern slavery Response to Super-Complaint on Underground lives, Police response to victims of modern slavery

Older reports

Responses to HMICFRS reports during the commissioner’s first term of office (2016-21) can be found on our HMICFRS reports archive page.

The reports and responses given by the first Police and Crime Commissioner between 2012 and May 2016 can be found in the separate archive of Ron Ball’s term of office.