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Council Tax – What You Pay for Policing in 2022/23

This page provides information about how Warwickshire Police will be financed in the 2022/23 financial year.  It includes details of how the Police Precept will change (the portion of Council Tax households contribute towards police services), how the money is spent and how the budget has changed.   It also outlines the key benefits the Commissioner’s budget will deliver over the course of the year.

You can view the Commissioner’s announcement about the budget on our news pages.

What the budget will deliver

Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe

Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe

This year’s budget for policing allows me to confirm additional funding for Warwickshire Police, while also ensuring that the increase in the portion of Council Tax which helps pay for it is among the lowest in the country and below the current rate of inflation.

It will deliver a number of key benefits for communities across the county, including:

  • 55 extra police officers – taking force up to a total of 1,100 officers, the highest in Warwickshire Police’s history.
  • Five extra Police Community Support Officers, one per borough/district to strengthen neighbourhood policing.  They can be targeted on our urban town centres, particularly to areas identified through the Safer Streets project as places where women and girls feel most vulnerable.
  • A strengthened response to violence against women and girls with investment in vulnerability teams to build capacity and capability.
  • Improved investigative standards and criminal justice outcomes through investment in Evidential Review Officers to drive up file quality to increase the likelihood of positive outcomes for victims.
  • Better equipment and enhanced training for Specials to further support SNT’s and provide increased visibility.
  • Maximising the previous investments in improved ICT technology, supporting the workforce to deliver productivity improvements through use of power applications.
  • Improvement in the police estate and commitments to improving its sustainability, with a £200,000 ‘Green Fund’ to accelerate progress.
  • An additional £50,000 for grants funding to enable an expansion of the projects to support community safety, rehabilitation programmes and reductions in reoffending.

Taken together, these spending priorities will allow Warwickshire Police to improve the service it gives to the public, while remaining financially resilient into the future and able to directly address the concerns communities across the county have raised with me.

Council Tax band - what will I pay?

The amount you pay for the police service will increase by 3.85% in 2022/23.  Council Tax bands are calculated to four decimal places but are presented here to two decimal places, therefore the may vary by plus/minus 0.01p.

Police Precept Changes
Council Tax band % of Warwickshire properties currently falling in this band 2022/23 Annual Increase 2022/23 Total amount per year
Band A 16.7% £6.50 £175.14
Band B 19.8% £7.58 £204.33
Band C 25.2% £8.67 £233.52
Band D 15.7% £9.75 £262.71
Band E 10.6% £11.92 £321.09
Band F 6.5% £14.08 £379.47
Band G 4.8% £16.25 £437.85
Band H 0.6% £19.50 £525.42

You can check which Council Tax band your household is in at the Gov.uk website.

How Warwickshire Police's budget is funded

The police are funded from three main sources:

  • Central government funding: £62.254 million
  • Reserves: £0.050 million
  • Council Tax: £57.134 million.

How is the money spent?

In 2022/23 we plan to spend £135.173 million before income and use of reserves.  Our net budget requirement is £121.388 million.  The gross expenditure on police services has increased by £9.668 million compared with 2021/22.

Budget Requirements
Spending (
Spending (
Cost for each person (£)
Expenditure on police services 125.505 135.173 231.55
Income -11.272 -13.735 -23.53
Total cost of service 114.233 121.438 208.02
Transfer from reserves 1.117 -0.050 -0.09
Our net budget requirement 115.350 121.388 207.93
Police grant -36.032 -38.220 -65.47
Revenue support grant -19.711 -20.880 -35.77
Council tax support grant -3.910 -3.910 -6.70
Council tax freeze grant -1.245 -1.245 -2.13
Local tax income guarantee funding -0.509 0.000 0.00
Local Council Tax Support Grant funding -0.781 0.000 0.00
Council Tax funding -53.162 -57.133 -£97.87

Capital spending

We plan £4.685 million of capital spending in 2022/23.  This is funded in the following ways:

Sources of funding
Capital spending £m
Capital receipts 2.437
Government grants 0.000
S106 and revenue contributions 0.433
Infrastructure reserves 0.000
Borrowing 1.815
Total spend/financing 4.685

How the money has changed

Our net budget has increased by £6.038 million.

Changes in funding
Item £m
Our net budget requirement 2021/22 115.350
Savings -0.201
Inflation, pressures and service changes 5.072
Movement in reserves 1.167
Our net budget requirement 2022/23 121.388