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Letter to Police and Crime Panel following confirmation of 2023/24 budget

Dear Councillor Kettle,

Thank you for your letter of 8 February 2023, which confirmed the decision of the Police and Crime Panel meeting on 6 February 2023 to support the proposed budget for policing for 2023/2024. This letter forms our response under the Police and Crime Panels (Precepts and Chief Constable Appointments) Regulations 2012.

I was grateful to receive majority support of the Panel for the budget and for your recognition of the difficult choices the current economic circumstances presented.

I note the areas of priority that you have outlined to be of interest to you over the coming year and particular the importance on ensuring that the practical outcomes of spending in 2023/24 are realised, alongside the proposed efficiencies resulting from the Empower Programme and ongoing investment in ICT systems. I will keep the panel regularly updated on the progress towards achieving these and can confirm that they will feature in my programme of holding to account with the Chief Constable.

I also welcome the Panel’s support of my efforts to maximise sustainable levels of income for policing in Warwickshire and for sharing the aim of securing an effective and fiscally sustainable police service for all the residents and communities of Warwickshire.

I hope that we can work together constructively in coming months.

Yours sincerely,


Philip Seccombe

Police and Crime Commissioner