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Appendix D: Letter from the Chief Constable

Warwickshire Police logoDear Commissioner,

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the draft budget that you have prepared for 2023/2024.  Over recent months we have worked together to discuss in some detail the progress of the force against the Fit For the Future strategic plan and your Police and Crime Plan. Following the publication of the HMICFRS inspection last year, I have shared with you details of what we will seek to improve as we move forward with the implementation of our new operating model, Empower, and together we have agreed a direction of travel for the next year.

I was really pleased to be invited to present my priorities for the next year to the Police and Crime Panel in early January with my senior leadership team and was delighted that we received such positive feedback from all that were present.  This was a real opportunity to show the panel how the Operations Control Centre operates now they are located at Stuart Ross House and utilising the new technology we have invested in.

I also enclose a copy of the presentation delivered to the Panel for wider circulation to Panel members if required.

Although the national steer has been to raise the precept to the full £15 flexibility, after lengthy discussion with you and consideration I am content that the proposals you have developed will deliver a fair budget for the force and allow us to enhance service delivery where we have identified.

I look forward to working with you over the coming year.


Yours sincerely


Debbie Tedds

Chief Constable, Warwickshire Police