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Appendix A – Prudential Code for Capital Finance

The Prudential Code for Capital Finance in Local Authorities (Prudential Code) is applicable to the Police and Crime Commissioner and has been developed by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) to provide a code of practice to underpin the system of capital finance embodied in Part 1 of the Local Government Act 2003. PCCs, like Local Authorities, are free to determine their own level of capital investment controlled by self-regulation.

The key objectives of the Prudential Code are to ensure that capital investment plans are affordable, prudent and sustainable.

The Prudential Code supports a system of self-regulation that is achieved by the setting and monitoring of a suite of Prudential Indicators that directly relate to each other.  The indicators establish parameters within which the PCC should operate to ensure the objectives of the Prudential Code are met.

In setting the prudential indicators, the PCC must give due regard to the following matters:-

  • Service objectives, e.g. strategic planning for the authority
  • Stewardship of assets,
  • Value for money, e.g. option appraisal
  • Prudence and sustainability
  • Affordability
  • Practicality, e.g. achievability

The Prudential Indicators below will also be reported in the PCC’s 2023/24 Treasury management strategy which will be reported to Joint Audit and Standards Committee in March 2023. The PCC has adopted the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA): Code of Practice for Treasury Management in the Public Services. The Prudential Indicators for which the PCC is required to set limits are as follow overleaf:



Affordability Prudential Indicators 2022/23

Forecast Outturn

2023/24 Budget 2024/25 Budget 2025/26 Budget 2026/27 Budget
Capital Expenditure £10.681m £9.817m £7.111m £6.373m £6.021m
Ratio of financing costs to net revenue stream 3.55% 3.55% 3.795% 4.095% 4.25%
In Year borrowing requirement £1.500m £3.661m £4.178m £3.940m £3.588m
In year Capital Financing Requirement -£2.257m -£0.270 -£0.159m -£0.803m -£1.422m
Capital Financing Requirement 31 March £38.027m £37.757m £37.598m £36.795m £35.373m
Revenue effect of new borrowings

–       Increase per council tax payer












Treasury Management Prudential Indicators 2022/23

Forecast Outturn

2023/24 Budget 2024/25 Budget 2025/26 Budget 2026/27 Budget
Authorised limit for external debt

–       Borrowing











Operational boundary for external debt

– Borrowing
















Upper limit for fixed rate interest exposure

–       net principal re fixed rate borrowing / investments
















Upper limit for variable rate exposure

– net principal re variable rate borrowing / investments









