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Apply for a grant for 2025/26

The Commissioner’s Grants Scheme aims to fund projects that will reduce crime, support victims and make communities safer.

There are four categories that organisations can apply to:

  1. Crime prevention
  2. Reducing reoffending
  3. Children and young people
  4. Road safety

Within each category organisations can bid for a small grant of up to £5,000, or a standard grant of up to £15,000.

Organisations will be able to submit unlimited grant applications. However, the maximum total award per organisation is £30,000. There will be a cap on individual project applications of £15,000.

The available funding is for the financial year 2025/26 only. This covers the period from the 1st April 2025 to the 31st March 2026.  There will be no opportunity to carry forward unspent monies, and any underspends must be returned to the PCC at the year end.

Who can apply

Applications are welcomed from new and established community, voluntary or third sector organisations or groups; and statutory organisations. While applications will not be accepted from Warwickshire Police as a single agency, they are welcome as part of a collaborative bid where the force is not the lead agency.

Online webinar

View our online webinar to find out more about the grants and how to apply:

How to apply

Below you will find the four pots you can apply for funding for, including the links to apply for either a small or standard grant within that pot. Please ensure you apply to the right pots. You must read the fund criteria for the individual pot before you apply, the criteria is unique to each pot so ensure you download the right one.

You must also read the terms and conditions which remains the same across all.

1. Crime prevention fund 

Applications must be for projects/initiatives that take a problem-solving approach to preventing and deterring crime, disorder or anti-social behaviour in Warwickshire.

Download crime prevention fund criteria

Apply for a small grant (up to £5,000)

Apply for a standard grant (up to 15,000)

2. Reducing reoffending fund

Applications must be for projects/initiatives that aim to reduce reoffending in Warwickshire. The project/initiative must support adults, children and/or young people who are known to criminal justice agencies (e.g. police, youth justice, probation) but who, armed with the right knowledge, understanding and commitment, can be diverted from committing further offences.

Download reducing reoffending fund criteria

Apply for a small grant (up to £5,000)

Apply for a standard grant (up to 15,000)

3. Children and Young people fund

Applications must be for projects/initiatives that aim to prevent children and/or young people from ever becoming a victim of crime, or from ever entering the criminal justice system as an offender.

Download children and young people fund criteria 

Apply for a small grant (up to £5,000)

Apply for a standard grant (up to 15,000)

4. Road Safety Fund

Applications must be for Road Safety projects/initiatives that support the aim of Warwickshire’s Road Safety Partnership (WRSP) to reduce the number of people killed and seriously injured on Warwickshire’s roads by 50% by 2030.

Download road safety fund criteria

Apply for a small grant (up to £5,000)

Apply for a standard grant (up to 15,000)

Deadline for submissions

The deadline for submitting applications and supporting documents to any of the grant schemes is midnight on the 29 November 2024.

Successful candidates will be announced by the end of January 2025.