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Apply for a grant for 2024/25

Two people holing a giant cheque in front of a group of people. Caption says Commissioner’s Grants Scheme 2024/25 Apply now!**Please note the deadline for submissions have passed**

The Commissioner’s Grants Scheme aims to fund projects that will reduce crime, support victims and make communities safer.

For 2024/25 Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe has the following funding streams available for organisations to bid against:

  • Small Grants Scheme (maximum £15,000 per application)
  • Road Safety Fund (maximum £15,000 per application)

This year, the Police and Crime Commissioner is seeking applications from schemes which support the following overarching themes:

Prevention: Targeting the causes of criminality and/or anti-social behaviour in our communities and on our roads, seeking to break the generational cycle of offending to prevent it from occurring in the first place.


Diversion: Supporting individuals who have already begun a journey of perpetrating crime and/or anti-social behaviour in our communities or on our roads, but who, armed with the right knowledge, understanding and commitment, can be diverted from this path towards a brighter future.

Projects, pilots and initiatives under the theme of Prevention and Diversion will also need to support one or more of the focus areas of the Police and Crime Plan as detailed below:

  • Violent crime (county lines and knife crime)
  • Organised Crime (drugs, exploitation, fraud and cybercrime)
  • Reducing reoffending (including substance misuse, and managing offenders)
  • Neighbourhood crime (rural crime, burglary, vehicle crime and theft)
  • Violence against Women and Girls (including domestic abuse, sexual violence, and stalking) – (projects similarly tackling Interpersonal Violence against Men and Boys are also welcome)
  • Vulnerability (mental health, hate crime and homelessness)
  • Road Safety (reducing death and injury on the roads)
  • Involving communities (listening to people and using volunteers to prevent and divert from crime and anti-social behaviour)
  • Crime prevention (upstream prevention of crime and antisocial behaviour to stop it from occurring in the first place)
  • Partnership working (collaborating together to make communities safer)
  • Improved communications across policing and the criminal justice system, which supports crime prevention and diversion activities
  • Justice outcomes (projects that lead to better investigations and timelier results, which can then translate into appropriate diversionary interventions and ‘out of court’ disposals)

Organisations are able to submit a maximum of two bids covering any number of the focus areas outlined above. However, each application must be for a different project or initiative and applicants should be aware that each will be evaluated separately.

The available funding is for the financial year 2024/25 only. This covers the period from the 1st April 2024 to the 31st March 2025.  There will be no opportunity to carry forward unspent monies, and any underspends must be returned to the PCC at the year end.

Who can apply?

Applications are welcomed from new and established community, voluntary or third sector organisations or groups; and statutory organisations. While applications will not be accepted from Warwickshire Police as a single agency, they are welcome as part of a collaborative bid where the force is not the lead agency.

Projects that can demonstrate that they have engaged and have the support of other statutory partners may be considered more favourably. The application form provides an opportunity for applicants to outline how they have engaged with such partners, and specific details should be provided wherever possible. These may be followed up as part of the evaluation process or further details requested, as appropriate.

Briefing event

An online briefing session was held on Monday 9 October on Microsoft Teams for prospective applicants.

The presentation slides from the event can be found below:

How to apply

Please read the relevant guidance notes for the grants before you apply.  These explain the full criteria and the information you will require in order to complete your application.

Applications for all grants must be made via the online form below.  If you have any difficulty with completing the application form or have general questions about the application process, please email your query to: [email protected].

Open the application form

Deadline for submissions

The deadline for submitting applications and supporting documents to any of the grant schemes is midnight on the 10 November 2023.

**Please note the deadline for submissions have passed**