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2025/26 Commissioner’s Grants Scheme Awards

The Commissioner’s Grants Scheme is an annual award which funds initiatives to deliver projects and activities that meet the Commissioner’s priorities set out in the Police and Crime Plan 2025-29.

There are four categories as part of the scheme which organisations could apply to:

  • Reducing reoffending
  • Children and young people
  • Crime prevention
  • Road safety

Funding applications could be made between up to £15,000.

Schemes both large and small are benefiting from this year’s round of funding, with all applications fully evaluated and scored against strict criteria to determine their eligibility and suitability.

In total, £275,523.97 is being awarded across all grants funding pots in 2025/26, including three discretionary awards which have been awarded a total of £13,000.

Find out more about each of the funded projects for 2025/26