Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe (right) and Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Emma Daniell (left) are joined by grants winners and commissioned services providers in 2023/24.
The Commissioner’s Grants Scheme is an annual award which funds initiatives to deliver projects and activities that meet the Commissioner’s priorities set out in the Police and Crime Plan 2021-25.
There are three main funding pots in the Commissioners Grants Scheme:
- Small grants
- Road safety grants
- Community Safety Partnership funding.
Funding applications could be made between £1,000 and £15,000, with discretionary awards above this amount in exceptional cases.
Schemes both large and small are benefiting from this year’s round of funding, with all applications fully evaluated and scored against strict criteria to determine their eligibility and suitability.
The full list of awarded projects for 2023/24 is detailed below.
In total, the small grants and road safety grants are worth £288,740.
Small Grants Scheme
This year, the Police and Crime Commissioner has supported a range of schemes which support the following overarching themes:
- Prevention: targeting the causes of criminality and/or anti-social behaviour, seeking to break the generational cycle of offending to prevent it from occurring in the first place.
- Diversion: supporting individuals who have already begun a journey of perpetrating crime and/or anti-social behaviour, but who, armed with the right knowledge, understanding and commitment, can be diverted from this path towards a brighter future.
The following grants have been made, worth total of £240,350:
Alcester Town Council
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Working for Marcus | Alcester | Support in full | £6,130 |
Alcester Town Council will work in partnership with Alcester Youth Project, Loudmouth (Education and Training Through Theatre) and three secondary schools in Alcester to deliver three training sessions called ‘Working for Marcus’ to pupils. A second teacher training session will be delivered in the schools, while a third session will be for parents and local professionals/community members interested in supporting young people with issues around substance misuse, grooming, child exploitation, County Lines, knife crime, and the laws around coercive and controlling behaviour.
Arts Uplift Community Interest Company
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Create to Motivate | Leamington Spa | Support in full | £7,485 |
Arts Uplift CIC is a not for profit Community Interest Company and started in 2016. It specialises in arts and health and heritage and work with a wide range of the community, including children and young people, working age adults and older people (including people living with dementia, anxiety, depression, low mood and that have a disability) from across Worcestershire, Coventry
and Warwickshire.
It uses a wide range of participatory arts in their projects such as reminiscence storytelling, creative writing, dance, music, film and arts and crafts to enhance the physical and mental well-being of their participants and also document people’s living memories and stories. With their artists and participants, they also co-produce original arts products such as new songs, films, stories, artworks, dances and theatre to explore people’s stories and also raise awareness of mental health conditions like dementia, anxiety, depression and low mood.
The grant will provide arts uplift and mentoring sessions in Leamington Spa for adult men who have recently been released from prison.
Aspire in Arts
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Knife Crime/Serious Youth Violence Awareness Project | Nuneaton & Bedworth / Rugby | Support in full | £9,000 |
Aspire in Arts is a not for profit youth organisation that delivers inspirational arts activities, workshops and generic youth sessions to young people across the Midlands. It’s dedicated team of JNC Qualified Youth Workers, Arts Award Leaders and arts practitioners deliver a variety of inclusive workshops that increase confidence, skills, aspirations and motivation to achieve.
The PCC’s funding will deliver our knife crime awareness workshops to nine schools in Nuneaton and one in Rugby. The sessions will consist of two workshops, the first will be led by youth anti-violence campaigner, Alison Cope. She will talk about her son’s life – an upcoming MC from Birmingham who was murdered through knife crime in 2013. She will speak to the young people about the real impact of knife crime, choices and consequences, changing mindsets and also the negative consequences of social media. Then up to 20 students will take part in outbreak sessions (chosen by the school) who will be able to decompress and discuss the knife crime workshop in smaller groups and express themselves through creative writing and the arts.
Bradby Club for Young People
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
ASCENT Health and Well-being project | Rugby | Support in full | £9,274 |
The Bradby Club for young people is a charitable organisation situated in Rugby town centre for all young people, aged 8-25. The Bradby Club offers support, guidance and education for young people throughout their transition into adulthood, with a strong focus on the less-advantaged and those in greatest need.
The PCC’s funding supports the ASCENT Health and Well-being project. ASCENT has been developed over the last 10 years to what it is today, now working on both our own knowledge of those we are working with through open access, as well as referrals from other organisations and families in order to support young people who may need it. We are able to cover a large range of issues that may be facing our young people including (but not limited to): healthy and unhealthy relationships; consent; substance misuse; criminal and anti-social behaviour; exploitation; county lines; poor mental health; non-attendance in school. Through targeted support with these individuals, we aim to help them overcome the challenges that they may be facing, and help them in their transition to adulthood.
Crimestoppers Trust
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Fearless | Countywide | Support in full | £12,244 |
Crimestoppers is an independent charity giving people the power to speak up and stop crime – 100% anonymously. We believe everyone has the right to feel safe from crime no matter where they live or work. Our service is available 24/7, 365 days a year, either on the phone 0800 555 111 and or online.
We provide an essential route for those individuals who are fearful of being identified, or mistrust law enforcement. Our research shows that these are people who often come from disenfranchised and hard-to-reach communities.
The PCC’s funding is supporting the Fearless young people’s project. This aims to educate and empower 11–16-year-olds by increasing their awareness around crime. Crimestoppers will run an anti-knife crime and County Lines programme for young people in schools and Pupil Referral Units in Warwickshire, discouraging young people from carrying knives and becoming involved in county lines.
Futures Unlocked
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Support in the community to ex-offenders | Countywide | Support in full | £15,000 |
Futures Unlocked is a multi-faith charity which was established in 2006. Since then we have provided support to ex-offenders (clients) who are returning to the community, at the end of their custodial sentence.
The objectives of the mentoring we provide is to support clients in leading crime-free lives, with the aim that this leads to a reduction in re-offending and safer, crime free communities are built. Clients are referred to us by the Probation Service, prisons, the police, approved premises and through self-referral.
We are members of the Community Chaplaincy Association and in July 2019 were awarded the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service.
Helping Hands Community Project
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Volunteer-led one-to-one mentoring project for homeless and vulnerably housed people | Warwick District | Support in full | £11,777 |
We support those facing homelessness, addiction and related mental health problems in Warwick and Leamington Spa. We help them to a better future, offering a range of activities, providing both practical and emotional support.
Over the last seven years, we have strengthened our activities with a small staff team and more than 90 volunteers. We provide a range of services to around 650 people a year, including:-
- Lighthouse Soup Kitchen – serving hot and cold food to anyone in search of a meal, friendly conversation or practical advice. Run from our catering van and soup kitchen based outside our drop-in centre, we serve between 40-70 people, four evenings per week.
- House2Home programme – supporting recently homed and low-income families in need of furniture, white goods and other essentials.
- ESTHER and Elijah’s rest – weekly groups offering a safe space, friendship, and a healthy lunch to vulnerable women and men. Led by trained workers, they offer positive activities
- Counselling service – free and confidential sessions for those who need it- many of our clients have experienced childhood or adult traumas, which affect their behaviours and choices.
- Client training, qualifications and volunteering experience – through our charity shop, soup kitchen and catering van. Opportunities to gain health and hygiene, hospitality and retail qualifications.
We aim to support clients in their next steps towards positive outcomes. Our staff and volunteers have completed safeguarding and trauma training, and our office is a trauma informed space.
We work in partnership with other organisations delivering services to homeless and vulnerably housed people in Warwick District to ensure our services don’t overlap. We share information, and ensure we offer services on different days of the week.
Hill Street Youth and Community Centre
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Choices | Rugby | Support in full | £10,636 |
The Hill Street Youth and Community Centre has over 50 different groups regularly using the centre, we now engage with over 38,000 people annually. Over 45% of our visitors are children, teens or young adults, who seek our support for education, training, sport and fitness, personal development and many other aspects of everyday life encountered as a young person growing up within the town of Rugby.
All of our community members and groups utilise the centre for education, employment, sport and fitness, group therapy and general well-being. We also partner with selected third-party agencies to offer support with housing, substance and alcohol abuse, financial welfare, employment, crisis management and many more.
The PCC’s funding will provide a weekly youth club running every Friday between 4pm and 6pm. The construction of our new child and youth building is underway and we hope to have this project as its flagship offer when the Centre opens in July 2023. We will underpin this project by utilising 20 hours of detached work in the key park areas of Rugby that we know our target cohort occupy.
We see that this project will draw the young community away from the town centre and into a safe and welcoming environment, providing a regular activity led hub that will provide space and engagement to a very frustrated audience.
Leamington Spa Street Pastors
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Street Pastors | Leamington Spa | Support in full | £6,000 |
We are trained volunteers from various churches in Leamington, seeking to create a more harmonious and safer environment for those out and about on the town’s streets at night.
We offer non-judgemental caring and support through listening and helping, meeting the needs of all, regardless of background. In delivering this we work in partnership with Warwick District Council and the police.
In practical terms we perform a walking patrol in a team of 3 or 4 every Saturday night from 10.00pm to about 2.00am looking out for those in need and trying to be a visible point of friendly assistance. We have one of the Retail Radio units that links us to the CCTV control centre and all door staff at every open establishment. We can highlight a flash point brewing as well as being called ourselves to people needing support.
Mediation and Community Support (MACS)
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Conflict Transformation | Rugby, Nuneaton & Bedworth, Stratford-on-Avon and Warwick Districts | Support in full | £15,000 |
MACS provides conflict transformation services including mediation, conflict coaching and group facilitation for neighbours experiencing conflict both generally and in any situation where that dispute or conflict results from or may lead to acts of violence, nuisance, vandalism, abuse, unlawful activity or breakdown of public order.
MACS provides training and workshops for people wanting to work more productively with their own and other people’s conflicts, promoting constructive communication, empathy understanding and future focussed resolutions.
The PCC’s funding will support the ‘Conflict Transformation’ programme, which will provide appointments for people experiencing anti-social behaviour, conflicts/problems with neighbours or communities who self-refer, have sought assistance from the police or local authority and may have been referred to the Community Safety Partnerships’ Case Management Meetings (CMM) due to their high personal ASB risk score. These meetings will explore the issues and consider strategies to transform the conflict. Mediation and conflict coaching will be explained and offered appropriately.
North Warwickshire Neighbourhood Watch Association
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Core funding – crime reduction | North Warwickshire | Support in full | £4,215 |
North Warwickshire Neighbourhood Watch (NWNHW) is a voluntary organisation affiliated to the national Neighbourhood Watch network called Our Watch.
Our aim is to help residents of North Warwickshire with advice, personal and home security items, to prevent them becoming a victim of crime and to help reduce the fear of crime within the community in line with the Police & Crime Plan.
To achieve this we actively engage with members of the public at many community engagement events throughout the year promoting best practice crime reduction advice and inexpensive security items to encourage and help residents look after themselves and their property.
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Prevent & Protect Initiative | Countywide | Support in full | £14,900 |
RoSA provides a specialist trauma informed counselling, Independent Sexual Violence Advisors and support services for any survivor/victim of rape, sexual assault, sexual abuse and child sexual exploitation who resides either permanently or temporarily in Warwickshire.
We ensure that survivors in Warwickshire, of all ages and genders, and their families/carers have access and choice regarding RoSA’s specialist provision, irrespective of when the abuse took place. This flexible needs-led, cope and recover, service model provides appropriate, bespoke emotional and psychological support, information and advocacy is designed to ensure both long and short-term well-being needs are met and that the mental health effects of sexual violence/abuse can be addressed within a safe and ethical service.
The PCC’s funding will support RoSA’s ‘Prevent and Protect’ initiative, which focuses primarily on prevention but, because of its focus on Children and Young People (C&YP), it also contributes to the challenges presented in diversion, through emphasis on the potential of harmful and antisocial behaviours recycling through generations.
Rugby Borough Council
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
On Track | Rugby | Support in full | £15,000 |
On Track is the Social Inclusion Programme coordinated and delivered by Rugby Borough Council. On Track deliver community and school youth provisions across the Borough for young people aged 10 – 19 years. On Track also deliver programmes such as 1-1 support, mentoring, group work, youth clubs, sports sessions, and outreach sessions to engage young people in Rugby’s priority wards. We have a history for supporting young people who are at risk of permanent exclusion from school and offer tangible pathways for young people who have barriers to learning.
Rugby Borough Neighbourhood Watch
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Crime Prevention through NHW | Rugby | Support in full | £2,675 |
The PCC’s funding will assist in promoting Neighbourhood Watch as a crime prevention and crime awareness solution to all members of the public in the Rugby Borough. This includes giving guidance to setting up new Neighbourhood Watch schemes. We work with Rugby police to ensure the information and support gets out to the community.
We are also promoting a good neighbour scheme to help identify and support the elderly and vulnerable people in our community.
We often go out into the community with our vehicle and exhibition trailer alongside Rugby police to give a visible presence of a coordinated effort to help communities reduce the likelihood of criminal activity in their area and also to give that community the opportunity to get to know their local police officers and how we, as Rugby Borough Neighbourhood Watch can assist to give advice and guidance on protecting themselves and their property.
Rugby Street Pastors
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Street Pastors | Rugby | Support in full | £11,200 |
Rugby Street Pastors Initiative currently consists of 36 Street Pastors (SPs) recruited from Rugby churches. They patrol the streets every Friday and Saturday night from 10.00pm – 4.00am, to engage, listen and care for the night time economy in Rugby town centre. All SPs have to attend 50 hours of training, to ensure they are equipped mentally, spiritually and practically to engage effectively with people on the street and to provide them with advice, guidance and practical support.
In many instances, our interactions and conversations help to diffuse tensions between clubbers that might otherwise escalate into behaviour requiring Police involvement. Our work, unquestionably enables the police to concentrate on serious crime and disorder in the town centre on Friday and Saturday nights, whilst we take care of the vulnerable and drunk. Our aim is to prevent them either being the perpetrators of anti-social behaviour or crime, or becoming innocent targets for thieves or trouble makers looking for a fight.
Spring Housing Association Limited
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
The Meet Up | Stratford-upon-Avon | Support in full | £10,000 |
The Meet Up is a Spring Housing Association pilot scheme that builds upon its initial activities since the Fred Winter Centre opened in Stratford-upon-Avon.
The project will engage with the “street community” and people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness through development of relationships via meaningful activities which are co-designed with the potential participants. We will work with local experienced organisations including Street Arts and Springboard CIC and people with lived experience.
We do this by providing accommodation, support and community based services to meet our purpose and aims. This includes community hubs in Birmingham and Stratford Upon Avon with IT hubs, employment and wellbeing support and activities, within a multi-agency setting which are co-designed by the community and participants / potential participants to the services.
Warwickshire Counselling Centre T/A Sycamore Counselling Service
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Anger Awareness Programme | Nuneaton & Bedworth, Rugby and North Warwickshire | Support in full | £10,515 |
We are a charity offering confidential and professional counselling for adults, children and young people throughout Nuneaton, Bedworth and North Warwickshire. Offering therapeutic support for disadvantaged people who are struggling to cope with everyday life affecting their ability to reach their full potential.
The PCC’s funding will support The Anger Awareness programme, a four session psycho-educational course that is designed to help individuals to understand the root cause of their anger, their responses to anger and how to deal with anger in a safer more productive way. The course will be delivered either in groups or one to one and will be available to individuals over the age of 18 who reside in Nuneaton, Bedworth, North Warwickshire and Rugby.
The ultimate aim of the course is to reduce antisocial behaviour and aggressive behaviours by helping individuals to understand their triggers, learn techniques to interrupt the anger cycle and bring into their awareness any underlying issues that are contributing to their anger response. The aim is for the participants to understand their anger response and how to deal with this emotion more productively.
Sydenham Neighbourhood Initiatives (SYDNI)
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
SYDNI Young People | Leamington Spa | Support in full | £9,935 |
The SYDNI Centre is in the heart of the Sydenham estate in the Council ward of Willes, Leamington Spa. The centre provides a safe, warm, and welcoming space for residents and wider reaching communities. We aim to listen to the needs of communities, empower individuals and groups, develop resilience, and enable better outcomes for all.
The PCC’s funding will enable the SYDNI Centre to develop its youth work provision to meet the increasing needs of young people in the community. The aim is to engage young people, identify their needs and provide information, advice and guidance to enable them to have a smooth transition to adulthood and increased outcomes.
The Friendship Project for Children
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Warwickshire Disadvantaged Children’s Activities | Countywide | Support in full | £10,200 |
The Friendship Project for Children is a registered charity founded in 1986. It has operated continuously ever since and provides services to disadvantaged children across Warwickshire.
The purpose and aims are to improve the lives of disadvantaged and vulnerable children aged 6 to 16 living in difficult family situations, who, by virtue of their circumstances may be withdrawn, lacking in confidence or suffering low self-esteem. The objectives are to achieve this by providing a volunteer Older Friend, who through regular contact can give an individual child support and take an interest in them, while providing learning opportunities and a positive influence. The Older Friend provides experiences lacking in the child’s life, builds a trusting relationship and raises the self-esteem of their Younger Friend. Experience has shown that a weekly activity with someone who cares can make a real difference.
Volunteers, over the age of 18, are drawn from Warwickshire communities and come from all walks of life. They are carefully vetted as to their suitability for this work, including DBS checks. We call our disadvantaged children “Younger Friends” and our volunteers “Older Friends”.
The PCC’s funding will enable continued provision of the befriending service across Warwickshire, supporting disadvantaged children referred to us by Children’s Services and local schools. The grant will contribute towards the costs of the activities undertaken by the Younger Friends with their Older Friends.
Values Education for Life
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Success for All | Nuneaton | Support in full | £14,076 |
Values Education for Life CIO is a local registered charity that has supported vulnerable and disadvantaged young people in the West Midlands since its inception in 1990. This support has mainly focused on intervention programs in a school or community setting and particularly supportive of young people living in the Camp Hill area of Nuneaton. The majority of those referred have been identified as at risk of school and social exclusion through anti-social and criminal activities, including bullying and violence, particularly when directed at girls and women.
The charity delivers a 12 session structured intervention program within a school or community setting which enables vulnerable young people to discuss and consider their values and reflect on the impact of these on their own lives and those of others.
The charity also delivers a number of community-based programs which involve at risk youngsters serving identified needs within their community, including the production of a community magazine for Camp Hill and regular support at Drayton Court residential home, Camp Hill, where they raised the money and built a sensory garden for the use of the residents.
Warwickshire Crimebeat
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
New website with youth appeal | Countywide (based in Kenilworth) | Support in full | £2,500 |
Warwickshire Crimebeat is a local charity, established in 2003 which aims to enable and empower young people in Warwickshire to make a real difference in their local community. It is part of the National Crimebeat initiative.
The charity encourages young people to undertake community projects and provide financial and practical support. It is supported by the High Sheriff of Warwickshire and the private sector and never ceases to be inspired by the young people in our county.
Grants are assessed by independent trustees to ensure they meet the criteria of assisting young people in Warwickshire to stay safe and out of the criminal justice system. Organisations supported range from charities, uniformed youth organisations, schools and community centres.
Crimebeat is supported by the team at the Kenilworth Centre, a thriving community hub in the heart of Kenilworth’s town centre. They help with the day to day running of the charity.
The PCC’s funding will support the relaunch the Warwickshire Crimebeat website as part of an online strategy designed to reach not only the organisations working with young people but the young people themselves.
Warwickshire Pride
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Public Sex Environment Health Worker | Countywide | Support in full | £9,385 |
Warwickshire Pride exists to support the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT+) community. It’s objectives are to preserve and protect the physical and mental health of LGBT+ people by providing safe, social meeting spaces, providing advice and guidance, and advancing education in relation to LGBT+ inclusion.
The PCC’s grant will support a Public Sex Environment Health Worker. This project is being proposed in response to a situation in which more gay and bisexual men, and men who have sex with men (MSM) are using public sex environments (PSE) across Warwickshire, and particularly in Warwick District, to engage in often unsafe sexual practices that also have an element of breaking the law due to the public outdoor spaces where this happens.
The project will involve recruiting a health worker who will visit PSEs across Warwickshire to engage with the men who use them. They will provide information on sexual health, provide condoms, discuss personal safety, and encourage less use of PSE.
Warwickshire Retail Crime Initiative Limited
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Targeting and preventing prolific offending in shops and licensed premises | Countywide | Support in full | £10,000 |
The Warwickshire Retail Crime Initiative Limited (WRCI) is a County wide partnership approach to prevent and reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in retail and licensed business premises in Warwickshire, with members in Leamington, Warwick, Kenilworth, Stratford, Alcester, Rugby, Atherstone, Nuneaton and Bedworth.
The scheme is member-funded via Business Improvement Districts. There are 193 retail members and 105 licensed premises. The scheme is managed by two part time Administrators. Data is shared by a GDPR compliant, encrypted app called DISC, which has a 546 users which includes multiple users from members, CCTV, Police and Local Authority agencies.
The PCC’s funding will be used for targeting and preventing prolific offending in shops and licensed premises in Warwickshire.
Young People First
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
‘Youthy’ – The Brunswick Youth Centre | Leamington Spa | Support in full | £13,203 |
Young People First has been supporting young people for 68 years, in various capacities; the last 3 years focussed on the Brunswick Ward in Leamington Spa, one of the most nationally disadvantaged wards. The PCC’s funding will support ‘Youthy’, the Brunswick Youth Centre.
Its vision is simple: ‘No young person limited by disadvantage’. The aim is to mitigate the detrimental effects disadvantage has on young people to increase their life chances, wellbeing and potential therefore ensuring a self-assured transition to adulthood and an equal position in society.
By achieving this aim young people will benefit from the following outcomes:
- With tailored support young people will have developed and retained the ability to overcome issues that may otherwise overwhelm them therefore allowing them to focus on fulfilling their potential.
- Young people attending ‘Youthy’ will have developed greater life skills, be more informed and better able to make positive choices and decisions for their future.
- An increased number of young people will not suffer harm or be exploited because of appropriate and timely safeguarding intervention.
- Young people will be able to access experiences and opportunities otherwise inaccessible to them.
Road Safety Schemes
The Road Safety Grant Scheme for 2023-24 is focused on the overarching themes of:
- Prevention: targeting unsafe road use and/or unsafe road behaviours to reduce and prevent ‘death and injury’ on our roads.
- Diversion: delivering interventions which aim to encourage safer road user behaviour but also have a positive impact on engaging and educating individuals and communities about unsafe road-use and empower them to practice good road safety behaviours on our roads.
The following grants worth £48,390 have been made:
Brake – The Road Safety Charity
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Independent Road Victim Advocate | Countywide | Support (grant funding for six months pending direct commissioning of an IRVA service) | £20,000 |
Brake, the road safety charity, is host to the Warwickshire Independent Road Victim Advocate (IRVA). The service delivers trauma informed support across Warwickshire for victims bereaved or those suffering life-changing injuries in collisions on the county’s roads.
The aim of the IRVA initiative is to provide advocacy, emotional and practical support to road victims in Warwickshire, and their families.
Brake also hosts the National Road Victim Service (NRVS). This provides a similar level of support to bereaved and catastrophically injured road victims in the UK, and UK citizens abroad.
Brake also raises awareness for the plight of road victims and champion a safe systems approach to road safety through activities such as national Road Safety Week and Kids Walk.
Targeted Youth Support (Warwickshire County Council)
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
CHESS Youth Club | Nuneaton | Support in full | £8,000 |
Targeted Youth Support’s aim is for young people in Warwickshire to have a brighter future. We’re a small team of dedicated, professionally qualified youth workers who use our own knowledge, skills and experience to build positive relationships with young people. We work with young people aged 11 to 18 years.
The PCC funding will be used at the CHESS Youth Club in Camp Hill, Nuneaton. It will offer young people an opportunity to engage in a combination of classroom-based activities and practical moped riding sessions during a two week summer project. The aim is to divert young people away from anti-social behaviour.
RoSPA Advanced Drivers & Riders – Coventry Riders
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Become a Safer Rider | Countywide | Support in full | £14,990 |
Coventry Riders is a long established advanced motorcycle training group, accredited by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA).
RoSPA is guided by two core principles:
- Life free from serious accidental injury
- Exchange life enhancing skills and knowledge to reduce serious accidental injury
Coventry Riders embrace these core principles and make it our mission to improve the knowledge, skills, attitude, behaviour and safety of existing motorcycle licence holders by helping them work towards achieving the RoSPA Advanced Motorcycle Test. A RoSPA “Gold” test pass is recognised as the highest award a civilian rider can attain.
Coventry Riders is run by volunteers from the community who are passionate about bikes, advanced riding, road safety and helping motorcyclists throughout Warwickshire develop safer riding skills and attitudes.
South Warwickshire Advanced Riders
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Advanced Rider Skills for Life | Countywide | Support in full | £5,400 |
The PCC’s funding will help improve the skills, understanding and safety of existing motorcyclists by offering a programme of on road training and classroom-based theory presentations. On completion of the training programme the Associates will be eligible to take the RoSPA Advanced Motorcycle Test.
After passing their test these skills must then be maintained or improved as they are required to retest every 3 years. It is our objective to establish a strong group where each generation will continue to pass on their knowledge and skills to the next. The more trained and qualified riders – the safer we all will be.
Community Safety Partnership Priority Fund
The Community Safety Partnership ‘Priority’ Fund for 2023-24 is focused on the following themes:
- Prevention: targeting the causes of criminality and/or anti-social behaviour, seeking to break the generational cycle of offending to prevent it from occurring in the first place.
- Diversion: supporting individuals who have already begun a journey of perpetrating crime and/or anti-social behaviour, but who, armed with the right knowledge, understanding and commitment, can be diverted from this path towards a brighter future.
Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) across Warwickshire were eligible to apply for this funding. Work is ongoing to evaluate a number of bids from CSPs, however the following applications have been confirmed for funding so far, worth £150,800:
Nuneaton & Bedworth Community Safety Partnership
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Community Mediation | Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough | Support | £5,500 |
Mediation has been a hugely positive conflict resolution tool which is widely used by partner organisations. In Nuneaton and Bedworth this is used to help with a range of neighbour or community disputes to help de-escalate quite volatile situations.
The programme will involve commissioning the charity Mediation and Community Support (MACS). MACS are an independent, voluntary organisation who provide mediation for people who are experiencing conflicts or disputes with neighbours within their family or community.
The programme is open to a range of statutory and community partners to refer into where there is a real risk of a situation escalating and the need for more costly interventions, increased risk of harm occurring.
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Safe and Healthy Relationships | Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough | Support in full | £10,000 |
This project will provide education and discussion with young people in secondary schools (year 8/9) around healthy relationships. Sessions provide education in the risks of child sexual exploitation, healthy relationships, cyber-safety plus support and resource signposting. This has also emerged as a key area that schools have picked up as a growing concern in many of our secondary schools.
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Mobile NOMAD camera scheme | Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough | Support in full | £14,000 |
This funding will allow the deployment of 19 NOMAD mobile CCTV cameras in hotspot locations of anti-social behaviour and crime within the borough of Nuneaton and Bedworth. This project is crucial in providing reassurance to all victims of crime and protecting the most vulnerable members of our communities. It helps in identifying perpetrators which will be used as evidence to enable effective enforcement action to be taken line with relevant legislation.
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Positive Choices Schools Programme – Tackling Youth Violence | Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough | Support in full | £15,000 |
Working with a range of partners including Warwickshire County Council and local youth/third sector organisations, NABCOP will be providing a range of activities for young people in priority areas. The grant will fund a range of diversionary activities on school sites to help raise aspirations and resilience of young people living in areas of high crime and deprivation.
A mixture of providers will be working with at least four secondary schools in the Borough to help support young people to get in involved in a range of physical/health activities, other leisure offerings such as arts/music etc. This has been requested by schools and the aim is to reduce the levels of violence amongst young people, often including weapons. It is also hoped to reduce exclusions form school via this project, which is also a key factor in many of the young people becoming involved in a cycle of violence.
Rugby Community Safety Partnership
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Youth Outreach Project | Rugby Borough | Support in full | £7,800 |
This project will provide a youth outreach project to work alongside the Community Safety Partnership’s youth intervention strategy. This will enable the CSP to direct outreach youth workers to areas of high youth ASB and hotspots to engage with young people around serious violence, knife crime, drug misuse and violence against women and girls. It will feed into Youth Intervention meetings tackling ASB and preventing young people from moving into more serious criminality. It will employ Youth Workers from Rugby Borough Council’s On track team to do outreach work in areas identified as hotspots who will engage with identify individuals and groups to be referred into diversionary activities.
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Youth Diversionary Activity – Art Engagement Project | Rugby Borough | Support in full | £2,500 |
This project will provide a divisionary activity intervention to work alongside the Community Safety Partnership’s youth intervention strategy. This will enable the CSP to refer young people through Youth Intervention meetings. Sessions will be put on by facilitators at the Rugby Art Gallery and Museum and prior to the sessions occurring engagement will occur with the young people around what the art project will be. The aim is to provide an activity for young people that interests them and gives them a purpose and takes them away from potential behaviour patterns.
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Conflict Resolution and Mediation Service | Rugby Borough | Support in full | £4,400 |
The funding will provide the CSP partners with access to a conflict resolution, conflict coaching and mediation service and will allow partners to refer cases to the mediation service. The service will facilitate mediation and try and reach a resolution. The funding will provide a set amount of mediation hours to resolve cases such as neighbour disputes that can escalate into more serious criminal activity and take up partner resources. Partners will have received conflict training from previous funding and will be well placed to make referrals and advise people on the benefits of conflict resolution and mediation.
South Warwickshire Community Safety Partnership
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Cuckooing interventions | Warwick District | Supported in full | £3,000 |
This project will continue to build a comprehensive approach to enhancing the safety of Warwick District’s most vulnerable residents to County Lines and address vital evidence gathering and safeguarding opportunities. It will increase feelings of safety and wellbeing to residents at risk of ‘cuckooing’ within their properties. The project will deliver a number of target hardening measures such as subscription free video door bells, security lighting and window alarms, which will not only reduce fear for the resident but act as a deterrent to exploiters to prevent further harm.
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Street Marshal Scheme | Warwick District | Supported in full | £5,000 |
Two street marshals are employed to work every Friday and Saturday night in Leamington Town Centre, these are funded by Warwick District Council. Additional busy nights are funded by the OPCC. The key objectives of the scheme are to provide support to, and ensure the safety and welfare of, people out enjoying the nightlife in Leamington Town Centre.
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Your Town Your Choice & Best Bar None Initiative | Warwick District | Supported in full | £8,600 |
Your Town Your Choice events have been delivered successfully in Leamington in previous years. The events promote going out and staying safe with a focus on the night-time economy. A range of partners work together to give advice, information and support on a variety of subjects such as drugs and alcohol, hate crime, harassment and sexual assault. As a result of the events, we aim to make Leamington’s night time environment a great place for all and equip those who enjoy it with the knowledge to stay safe.
We also wish to support the roll out of the Best Bar None across 10 venues in Leamington. Best Bar None is a national awards and accreditation scheme supported by the Home Office and drinks industry, that recognises and rewards responsible premises, improving operating standards in the evening and night time economy. It provides a prevention approach to reducing alcohol related violence and protecting the public from harm, including staff and customers.
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
South Warwickshire Youth Diversion – Music Project | Warwick District / Stratford-on-Avon District | Supported in full | £15,000 |
To provide diversionary actives for young people across South Warwickshire to create and record their own music within a safe and professional environment, alongside peer mentors and partner agencies. Our aim is to provide additional diversionary activities in the South of Warwickshire for young people who have a passion or emerging interest in music production. In providing this service we aim to steer young people away from issues within our communities such as County Lines and Gang Related Violence.
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
County Lines Interventions in Stratford | Stratford-on-Avon District | Supported in full | £5,000 |
This project will build a comprehensive approach to enhancing the safety of Stratford’s most vulnerable residents to county lines and address vital evidence gathering and safeguarding opportunities. This project will strengthen existing interventions and approaches in Stratford that are reducing or preventing exploitation. It is divided into three key areas:
- Locational measures for rapid deployment mobile CCTV;
- Crimestoppers County Lines Awareness Raising;
- Vulnerable Tenants Security Initiative.
Name of Project | Geographic Location | Funding Decision | Amount Awarded |
Community Offending Advisor – Pilot project | Stratford-on-Avon District | Supported in full | £10,000 |
This pilot scheme will introduce a part-time coordinator SPOC who will run and champion a local and innovative approach to managing the offenders causing the most harm to the wider community in Stratford District.
Many offenders do not reach the threshold for PPO status, but their offending if prolific, and can be low level on a crime by crime basis or in isolation, but collectively causes the most harm, community tension, and reputational damage to Police and partners due to ineffective joined up offender management.
A new process will be enacted where a multiagency panel will rate the top offenders within Stratford District using the Threat Risk and Harm Model. Initially the pilot will trial the top ten offenders. The SPOC will conduct a deep dive analysis on each offender examining all the risk and protective factors for their offending and the drivers for being involved in crime. A case plan will be produced which will look at the multiagency approach including positive interventions such as drugs and alcohol work, mental health and therapy interventions through to coordinated enforcement work. Two weekly case progression meetings with be chaired by the SPOC where the plan will be reviewed and actions tracked to ensure constant progress is being tasked and monitored. Monthly police problem solving meetings will also be used.
CCTV Funding
In addition to the above, the Police and Crime Commissioner is awarding a one-year grant to all Community Safety Partnerships in Warwickshire to assist with the provision of CCTV in their respective areas. Each CSP is receiving a direct award of £10,000 from the Grants Scheme for this purpose.