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2022/23 Commissioner’s Grants Scheme Awards

The Commissioner’s Grants Scheme is an annual award which funds initiatives to deliver projects and activities that meet the Commissioner’s priorities set out in the Police and Crime Plan 2021-25.  Projects will support the Police and Crime Commissioner to:

  • Deliver visible and effective policing
  • Fight crime and reduce reoffending
  • Keep people safe and reduce harm
  • Improve the justice experience
  • Strengthen communities

Schemes both large and small are benefiting from this year’s round of funding, with all applications fully evaluated and scored against strict criteria to determine their eligibility and suitability. 

The full list of awarded projects for 2022/23 is detailed below.

General Grants

Application Number Organisation Name of Project Geographic Location Purpose of Grant Funding Decision Awarded 2022/23
2022-23-002 Arts Uplift Create to Motivate Nuneaton and Bedworth and Warwick The overall objective of the project is ‘to deliver a series of socially distanced arts interventions (pottery and film making) at Augustus House, Leamington Spa and McIntyre House, Nuneaton  in order to provide the residents with much needed creative engagement, since Covid-19 has reduced the contact they have with others and with their ability to express themselves’. Yes – in part  £4,800
2022-23-003 Aspire in Arts Creative Arts North Warwickshire and Nuneaton & Bedworth  Continuing to deliver a diverse programme of early intervention and positive diversionary activities for young people in Nuneaton and North Warwickshire.  The project uses a range of relevant, engaging arts sessions as an alternative way to motivate young people aged 15-25 who are in challenging circumstances (who are not in full time education, employment or training, at risk of exclusion/excluded and at risk of becoming involved in the criminal justice system, at risk of re-offending, who are homeless/temporary accommodation etc) to have increased life chances and help reduce offending by learning new skills, have improved self-esteem, develop listening and communication skills, increase self-awareness, empathy towards others, tolerance and self-control. Yes – in full  £9,996
2022-23-004 Aspire in Arts Knife Crime Nuneaton and Bedworth; Rugby In May last year the project delivered a knife crime awareness workshop to young people in our premises in Nuneaton. Given the impact the workshop had on the participants, it will expanded to 10 schools in Nuneaton and North Warwickshire. Provides education to young people on the consequences of being involved in knife crime,  youth violence and county lines incidents, helping them to know the signs of coercion and negative relationships. Yes – in full  £10,000
2022-23-006 Barnardo’s Warwickshire Reaching Out Project Countywide Support for the existing ‘Warwickshire Reaching Out’ programme which uses a trauma informed response when working with children and young people (CYP) who are victims or survivors of child criminal exploitation (CCE).
  • To provide therapeutic support to CYP that are being or at risk of being criminally exploited
  • To work with CYP to offer strategies to manage their emotions from the impact of CCE
  • To enable CYP to make informed choices, and recognise the impact of their decisions
Yes – in full  £10,000
2022-23-007 Bradby Club Ascent Health and Wellbeing Project Rugby Bradby’s ASCENT Health and Wellbeing Project works with vulnerable and hard to reach young people through both club attendance and referral. The project brought together the Club’s existing support services into a more rounded package of support that covers a range of issues and barriers affecting young people’s futures and development. The project as a whole is delivered through: open access youth sessions, 121 support and mentoring, targeted small group work, school drop-in sessions and workshops. Yes – in full  £8,986
2022-23-009 Crimestoppers Fearless Countywide The objectives of the project are to increase education and awareness amongst young people of the risks of involvement and all encourage them to report what they know. The outcomes of the initiative are to support the Police and Crime Plan in action to deter young people in becoming involved in such serious and harmful crimes which damage the life chances of young people and those which cause most concern to communities. Yes – in full  £9,900
2022-23-012 Dordon Community Hub Development of Dordon Youth Clubs North Warwickshire 

The objectives of the youth clubs are to:

  • raise health and wellbeing levels;
  • providing sporting and social activities;
  • build social cohesion in the local and surrounding areas creating a positive environment accessible to all, with no social or financial discrimination;
  • combat crime and antisocial behaviour;
  • Build relationships with the police and community support team to educate on issues such as knife crime, county lines and drug abuse.
  • Offer experiences with the police force such as police cadets.
  • Provide a safe space for young people; offering a space for young people to express themselves, share experiences and seek guidance in a safe and positive environment accessible to all.
  • Provide information and points of contact to the local community for help, support and training.
  • Regularly provide professional support within the healthcare and wellbeing sectors. Guidance on further education, job opportunities and social mobility.
Yes – in full  £6,596
2022-23-013 Equip Warwickshire  Women’s Network Warwickshire To develop the work EQuIP has undertaken in engaging with women across Warwickshire, looking specifically at issues surrounding feeling safe, protecting and safeguarding women and girls from violence, accessing support, increasing reporting of crimes, including sexual violence, domestic abuse and hate crimes, and finally, engaging with men and young men on the subject of violence against women and girls (VAWG). Yes – in part  £ 5,000
2022-23-015 FICS Individual Therapy Countywide To provide individual therapy to victims/survivors of domestic abuse. Delivered from a hybrid model of online and in-person sessions by dedicated therapists to meet the needs of this vulnerable client group. The aim for the project is to accept referrals from all agencies, from across Warwickshire to deliver a trauma informed, whole family approach to helping victims/survivors to move on from their abusive experiences. Our aim is that, in turn, there will be less repeat victimisation, better opportunities for connected and appropriate parenting, a return to education/employment and a genuine opportunity to break the cycle of domestic abuse. Yes – in full  £25,000
2022-23-016 FICS Victims Group Recovery Circle Countywide To provide weekly group therapy to victims/survivors of domestic abuse. Delivered from a hybrid model of online and in-person sessions by dedicated therapists to meet the needs of this vulnerable client group. The aim for the project is to accept referrals from all agencies, from across Warwickshire to deliver a trauma informed, whole family approach to helping victims/survivors to move on from their abusive experiences.  Our aim is that, in turn, there will be less repeat victimisation, better opportunities for connected and appropriate parenting, a return to education/employment and a genuine opportunity to break the cycle of domestic abuse. Yes – in full  £10,000
2022-23-017 The Friendship Project for Children Warwickshire Friendships Countywide Provides a befriending service across Warwickshire, supporting disadvantaged children referred by Children’s Services and local schools. The funding contributes towards the costs of the staff team which runs the project and manages the friendships. Volunteers meet with their Younger Friends weekly for between 2-3 hours to be involved in mutually enjoyable and jointly planned activities and visits. Examples include playing in the park, building dens, craft activities, cooking, fishing, bird watching, climbing, golf, sewing, library, swimming, cinema, growing vegetables etc. which, their school contemporaries take for granted. Yes – in full  £8,000
2022-23-018 Futures Unlocked Resettling Offenders in the Community Warwickshire Futures Unlocked is requesting funding to support its on-going programme of mentoring to ex-offenders (clients) who are returning to the community at the end of their custodial sentence. Clients are referred by the Probation Service, prisons, the police, approved premises and the clients themselves. Yes – in full  £10,000
2022-23-019 Hill Street Engage Rugby The project works with groups of young people and young adults who struggle to conform with mainstream regulations and protocols due to significant vulnerability caused by learning difficulty or disability, poor mental health, limited capacity, or other high impacting restrictions. The programme is spilt into different areas that include informative & interactive workshops, sport & healthy lifestyle, domestic education, general education upskilling, enhancing life skills and the provision of one to one and group support and advocacy. Yes – in part  £6,000
2022-23-020 Horsewatch Warwickshire Horse Watch Voluntary group Warwickshire The project is to promote and provide crime prevention advice on all areas relating to equine crime, including horses, tack, equipment and vehicles. Attend events and stables providing crime prevention advice and property marking service. Have equipment that can be lent to mark horse tack. Assist the police where required on equine matters. Yes – in full  £1,000
2022-23-022 Insight Counselling Bid 1-North Warwickshire victims Counselling/Support Service North Warks Borough Provides victim counselling/support programme (therapeutic intervention) for victims of DV/DA in North Warwickshire. The  ‘face to face’ counselling service is delivered from Atherstone children’s centre and uses outreach rooms in Polesworth, Coleshill, Kingsbury as the need requires. Yes – in part  £5,000
2022-23-023 Insight Counselling Bid 2- Domestic Abuse Counselling support for Victims of DV/DA in Nuneaton and Bedworth Nuneaton & Bedworth Provides victim counselling/support programme (therapeutic intervention) for victims of DV/DA in Nuneaton and Bedworth.  Yes – in part  £5,000
2022-23-024 Mediation & Counselling Service Conflict Revelations Warwickshire – with the exception of North Warwickshire MACS provides mediation and conflict coaching for neighbours experiencing conflict both generally and in any situation where that dispute or conflict results from or may lead to acts of violence, nuisance, vandalism, abuse, unlawful activity or breakdown of public order. ‘‘Conflict Revelations’ will provide mediation and/or conflict coaching to people experiencing anti-social behaviour, conflicts or problems with neighbours or communities who are referred to the Community Safety Partnerships Case Management Meetings (CMM) due to their High Personal ASB risk assessment Score. Conflict Revelations’ will recruit, train and support 16 people in Mediation and Conflict Coaching Skill to work alongside our team of mediators as volunteers in their communities. Yes – in part  £10,000
2022-23-026 New Chapters Psychosocial Programme Warwickshire New Chapters aims to offer a three stage programme of detox and rehabilitation for 30+ individuals a year, supporting them to become, and stay, drug/alcohol-free, and bring stability, purpose and relationships into their lives so they can contribute to their families and community rather than destroy it. This will be a psychosocial programme, delivering 1:1 counselling, group therapy, therapeutic activities, and workshops around addiction and social and life skills. Yes – in part  £10,000
2022-23-027 New Hope General New Hope Anger Management Course Delivery Warwick and Stratford on Avon New Hope offers 1:1 confidential, affordable counselling to clients within the South Warwickshire area. It sees clients with a broad range of mental health problems including anxiety, depression, relationship problems, addiction, abuse, and trauma. Yes – in full  £2,100
2022-23-028 North Warwickshire Neighbourhood Watch Core Funding for the Associations North Warwickshire To provide advice and practical solutions to crime prevention and to reduce the fear of crime within the community. The objective is to offer simple security items and sound advice to people within North Warwickshire to raise the awareness of crime and the best practices to be able to reduce that crime. This can be achieved by means of community engagement meetings, “road show” events, leaflet/information packs and practical demonstrations and also by making available, home and personal security items. Yes – in full  £4,269
2022-23-031 Parenting Project You First- Counselling for victims of DA Countywide To provide 18 sessions of 1-1 trauma informed, person centred counselling, to clients who have been victims of domestic abuse. Counselling provides the opportunity for domestic abuse victims to work through the traumas and difficult life events they have experienced. Counselling can also help build awareness of self, within relationships, recognise intergenerational traumas and attachment patterns which, once detected, can help break the cycle of abuse.  Yes – in full  £25,000
2022-23-032 Rethink Mental Illness Rethink Warwick Personal Safety and Wellbeing Community Group Countywide To co-ordinate and support a group of individuals who have experience of severe mental illness, meeting as a group, providing information and personal safety ‘packs’, the opportunity to share concerns and to connect with local experts in a weekly ‘surgery’ empowering the group with information relating to their personal safety, wellbeing and prevention of harm. Also to actively reach out to individuals in the community to ensure that maximum inclusion is reached. Yes – in part  £4,455
2022-23-033 Rugby Borough on Track On Track in the Community Rugby On Track are working with pupils who are the victims of silent harm, not yet the preparators of the gang or drug-related crimes, however, live within a household whereby drugs, alcohol or domestic violence takes place. It is therefore of the highest importance that support, and guidance is available to them so that the cycle of crime is broken.  On Track has worked with some of the hardest to reach pupils and young people during this funding year and would like to build from this experience. The project has clear alignment with the Community Safety Partnership CSP who meet monthly to discuss hot spots and highlighted young people within the Rugby Borough. Regular contact with these young people will support them make more informed choices. Yes – in full  £10,000
2022-23-034 Rugby Neighbourhood Watch Core funding Rugby To continue giving support to the community, setting up new watches and providing all the support material required including but not limited to information, NHW signage and costs for venues for meetings Yes – in full  £2,000
2022-23-035 Rugby Street Pastors Rugby Street Pastors Initiative (RSPI) Rugby Rugby Street Pastors Initiative currently consists of 40 Street Pastors (SPs) recruited from local Rugby churches, who go out on the streets every Friday and Saturday night from 10.00pm – 4.00am, to engage, listen and care for the ‘night time economy’ in the initiative (including objectives and outcomes). Yes – in part  £6,876
2022-23-036 Safeline Prevention & Early Intervention Programme for at ‘risk’ children aged 11-18 Warwickshire This initiative supports children aged 11-18 years who have experienced sexual violence or are vulnerable to its occurrence. Safeline works with schools and other referral partners to identify the most at risk children and provides them with specialist support to keep them safe from harm. Yes – in full  £10,000
2022-23-037 Spring Housing Association The Meet Up- drop in for street community and homeless people Warwickshire To increase engagement by the street community including people who are homeless, and living in temporary accommodation with activities to promote their well being and address the issues which may be causing them to be on the streets and enable people to gain or sustain their tenancies, thus reducing potential offending, the activities will be based at the Fred Winter Centre with statutory and voluntary agencies. Yes – in part  £5,000
2022-23-038 Stratford Street Pastors Stratford-upon-Avon Street Pastors Stratford-upon-avon Working with other agencies, Street Pastors provide a non-threatening presence in the night-time economy, available to help and diffuse potential problems, and to assist anyone in need of any kind, be it physical or mental well-being. Yes – in part  £3,510
2022-23-039 Sycamore Counselling Anger Awareness Project North Warwickshire, Rugby, Nuneaton and Bedworth. The Anger awareness course is a four session psycho-educational course that is designed to help individuals to understand the root cause of their anger, their responses to anger and how to deal with anger in a safer more productive way. The course will be delivered either in groups or one to one and will be available to individuals over the age of 18 who reside in Nuneaton, Bedworth, North Warwickshire and Rugby. The ultimate aim of the course is to reduce antisocial behaviour and aggressive behaviours by helping individuals to understand their anger and how they can deal with this emotion more productively. Where a participant will benefit from further support up to nine sessions of counselling will be offered to a limited number of clients. Yes – in full  £10,000
2022-23-040 The Kaleidoscope Plus Project Suicide Awareness, Support and Safety Training for safer, empowered, supportive and educated communities Warwickshire Suicide Awareness, Support and Safety Training for safer, healthier, educated, empowered, supportive communities.  The project will offer a three-tier training model to target groups to tackle suicide rates, increase the health and safety of communities and reduce stress on local emergency services by educating, training and upskilling, empowering people in our communities to support each other. Yes – in full  £8,512
2022-23-043 Warwickshire Search and Rescue Equip new ICU vehicle Warwickshire

Lowland Rescue teams support the police in searching for missing persons. There are 34 teams nationally. They are called out by Police Search Advisors (POLSAs) to search for vulnerable missing people who are primarily those with mental health issues, Alzheimer’s or who are otherwise at risk. Teams are linked to and work with their local police forces. The grant will assist Warwickshire Search and Rescue professionally equip the new Incident Control Unit once it has been delivered (expected September 2022).  The ICU is the single most important piece of equipment used by the team. It is a highly specialised vehicle which forms the mobile command post for all search call-outs.  The purchase of the new ICU vehicle was part-funded by the PCC in 2021.

Yes – in full  £10,000
2022-23-045 WCC Mentor in Violence School Project Mentors in Violence in School Warwickshire The Mentors in Violence Programme (MVP) was developed by the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit. The Programme is based in secondary schools, working with senior leadership teams to identify young students to become Mentors in Violence. The programme provides the school and students with the skills to set a culture where all forms of violence will be “called out” and safely challenged. Yes – in full  £23,000
2022-23-079 Partnership Project Pot Warwickshire Partnership Funding Warwickshire To fund partnership initiatives. Yes – in full  £9,900
2022-23-046 WCC Targeted Youth Support Courageous Gal’s North Warwickshire and Nuneaton & Bedworth  To deliver a programme of self awareness to include work on the following :
  • Empowering young women to have positive relationships / become strong females in society.
  • Exploring healthy relationships / the use of social media and phones / staking & staying safe.
  • Attitudes to women & how women are perceived by the wider society
  • Acceptable / unacceptable behaviours in a relationship
  •  Discussions on the Sarah Everard murder / other violent crimes against women
  • CSE / Grooming
  • SRE & Relationships / consent in a relationship
  • Body shaming / sexting / porn – how to be assertive in a relationship
  • The press – how women are depicted by the press / positive & negative
  • Working with female police officers to install trust within the community.
  • Working with the fire service for inspirational role models
Yes – in full  £1,200
2022-23-047 West Midlands Probation Service  – IOM post IOM Coordinator Warwickshire The Integrated Offender Management (IOM) scheme is a local programme designed to tackle prolific, and priority offenders within Warwickshire local communities. This initiative will appoint a co-ordinator at HMP Hewell which will specifically enhance the IOM delivery. This proposal is an innovative and new initiative of having a IOM Coordinator, employed through the West Mercia police force, based within HMP Hewell to further bridge an identified gap of the communication, support and services for this cohort of service users from prison to the community and visa versa. Yes – in full  £4,600
2022-23-048 Warwickshire Retail Crime Initiative (WRCI) Enhancing Safety around the night economy in Warwickshire Warwickshire WRCI currently has 90 members in the licensing sector centred on the major towns. The Pub Watch scheme with information sharing via an encrypted App called DISC and the provision of exclusions from member premises provides a strong control measure in reducing violence and disorder inside and outside licensed premises.  Members have radios to communicate with each other, CCTV and the police. Yes – in full  £4,500
2022-23-050 Young People First Brunswick Youth Project Warwick District Preparation: Prepare young people for the transition to a self-assured adulthood by providing positive activities; new opportunities and informal learning on issues affecting young people.
Prevention: Focused work with small groups of young people who may be at risk of exclusion; are demonstrating concerning behaviour or are at risk of exploitation
Intervention: One-to-one support for young people experiencing crisis; that are significantly at risk of or involved in criminality; at high risk of exploitation or whose lived experiences are having a detrimental effect on their wellbeing.
Yes – in full  £10,000
          Total:  £310,200

Road Safety Fund

Application Number Organisation Name of Project Geographic Location Purpose of Grant Funding Decision Awarded 2022/23
2022-23-051 Chess – Road Safety TYS Moped Project Nuneaton and Bedworth The project trains mentors to provide free mentoring for students between the ages of 11-18 in 5 schools across Warwickshire. The funding will help to expand the service into more schools, to allow an increased number of young people to benefit from the advantages of mentoring.  Yes – in full  £4,000
2022-23-052  RoSPA – Road Safety Become a Safer Rider: Reducing Road Deaths &Serious Injury Countywide The initiative is aimed at improving the knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviour, expertise and safety of existing motorcyclists (with a full or A2 licence) by attracting them into further training and education to achieve the standards required to pass the RoSPA Advanced Motorcycle test. This will be achieved through a programme of individual on road, one to one training sessions led by a Group Tutor along with a schedule of specific skills courses, classroom based technical theory sessions supported by regular, organised and controlled Group rides. Yes – in full  £9,900
2022-23-053 SWAR – Road Safety Advanced Rider Skills for Life South Warwickshire (Stratford and Warwick Districts) To improve the skills and safety of the Associate Members through a programme of on road training and classroom based theory presentations. On completion of the training programme the Associates will be eligible to take the RoSPA Advanced Motorcycle Test. After passing their test these skills must then be maintained or improved as they are required to retest every 3 years. The objective is to establish a strong Group where each generation will continue to pass on their knowledge and skills to the next. The more trained and qualified riders – the safer we all will be. Yes – in full  £7,100
22022-23-054 IRVA – Road Safety Independent Road Victim Advocate (IRVA): Supporting Road victims in Warwickshire Warwickshire The aim of the IRVA initiative is to provide advocacy, emotional and practical support to road victims in Warwickshire, and their families, who have been bereaved or catastrophically injured in road collisions. Trauma and clinically informed support are provided to the communities of Warwickshire by the specialist skills of the IRVA under the supervision of the National Road Victim Service. The objective of this initiative is to reduce the impact of trauma and stress placed upon road victims at the worst possible time in their lives, by fostering resilience and coping and promoting opportunities for recovery. Yes – in full  £33,531
2022-23-055 WCC Cycle Stratford – Road Safety Re-Cycle Bike Project South Warwickshire (Stratford and Warwick Districts) The project uses bike maintenance as a tool to engage disenfranchised young people in a positive activity, work on local issues youth including knife crime, risky behaviour, drugs/alcohol, respectful relationships and mainly to learn road safety skills, have a safe bike and protective equipment and gain the skills to be able to maintain a safe bike in the future. Yes – in full  £5,000
2022-23-056 WCC Re-cycle Nuneaton – Road Safety Re-Cycle Bike Project Nuneaton and Bedworth The project uses bike maintenance as a tool to engage disenfranchised young people in a positive activity, work on local issues youth including knife crime, risky behaviour, drugs/alcohol, respectful relationships and mainly to learn road safety skills, have a safe bike and protective equipment and gain the skills to be able to maintain a safe bike in the future. Yes – in full  £10,000
          Total:  £69,531

Community Safety Fund 

Application Number  Organisation  Name of Project Geographic Location Purpose of the Grant  Funding Decision  Awarded 2022/23
2022-23-058 CSP – Nuneaton and Bedworth Safer Communities Partnership Loudmouth  Nuneaton and Bedworth To provide education and discussion with young people in secondary schools around healthy relationships and what is exploitation. Sessions provide education in the risks of child sexual exploitation, healthy relationships, cyber-safety plus support and resource signposting. In primary schools, the discussions will centre around safety in relationships and cover topics such as domestic abuse, county lines and knife crime. Yes – in full  £13,500
2022-23-059 CSP – Nuneaton and Bedworth Safer Communities Partnership NOMAD CCTV Nuneaton and Bedworth Deploying 19 NOMAD mobile CCTV cameras in hotspot locations of anti-social behaviour and crime within the borough of Nuneaton and Bedworth. Objectives of the project:
  • Providing reassurance to all victims of crime and protecting the most vulnerable members of communities
  • Identifying perpetrators which will be used as evidence to enable effective enforcement action to be taken in line with the relevant legislation such as the Anti-social behaviour Crime and Policing act
  • Providing community reassurance
Yes – in full  £10,000
2022-23-060 CSP – Nuneaton and Bedworth Safer Communities Partnership Schools Mentoring Project  Nuneaton and Bedworth The programme has two critical elements;
Firstly, to identify and train skilled mentors who can work with young people aged 14-25 who are at risk of becoming involved in serious violent lifestyles. Secondly the programme will identify and train local people who will become community mentors. Community mentors will be offered training and support and will be involved in voluntary mentoring under the supervision of our training provider and our skilled mentors. A pathway will be created for community mentors who wish to progress into fully skilled and trained mentoring. 
Yes – in full  £15,000
2022-23-061 CSP – Nuneaton and Bedworth Safer Communities Partnership Stronger Communities Nuneaton and Bedworth The project is aimed at victims of Hate Crime, Modern Slavery and Human trafficking, VAWG and Domestic Abuse/violence. All of these areas are priorities in the CSP’s Strategic Assessment and have seen a rise throughout the pandemic. The aim is to engage with communities via a range of events and also targeted campaign to signpost victims to get support.    Yes – in full  £10,000
2022-23-062 CSP – Nuneaton and Bedworth Safer Communities Partnership Target Hardening  Nuneaton and Bedworth Offering victims of crime and potential victims of crime, crime prevention solutions and guidance on target hardening measures. Yes – in full  £2,500
2022-23-063 CSP – Nuneaton and Bedworth Safer Communities Partnership Mediation  Nuneaton and Bedworth Mediation is a positive conflict resolution tool which is widely used by public organisations. In Nuneaton and Bedworth this is used to help with a range of neighbour or community disputes to help de-escalate volatile situations. The programme is open to a range of statutory and community partners to refer into where there is a real risk of a situation escalating and the need for more costly interventions, increased risk of harm occurring. Yes – in full  £7,000
2022-23-064 CSP – North Warwickshire  Local Community Safety Fund  North Warwickshire The Community Safety Fund helps to deliver against the North Warwickshire Community Safety priorities by supporting initiatives/interventions that reduce crime. Yes – in full  £5,000
2022-23-065 CSP – North Warwickshire  Serious Violence Mentoring Programme North Warwickshire The programme has a number of objectives. Firstly, to identify and train skilled mentors who can work with young people aged 14-25 who are at risk of becoming involved in serious violent lifestyles. The approach is to create a Train the trainer component, enabling us to sustain the programme beyond the funding cycle. This age range is flexible and will provide support for parents, guardian and support our local schools. For the context of this application, serious violence is defined as including involvement in county lines, weapon related violence that is risk to them or a risk to others, gang/group related violence, violent conflict with others, perpetuated through social media.  Secondly the programme will identify and train local people who will become community mentors. Community mentors will be offered training and support and will be involved in voluntary mentoring under the supervision of the training provider and skilled mentors. This will create a pathway for community mentors who wish to progress into fully skilled and trained mentoring.  Yes – in full  £3,000
2022-23-066 CSP  CSP Contingency Funding Warwickshire Contingency funding to support CSP initiatives Yes – in full  £15,000
2022-23-068 CSP – Rugby  Mediation  Rugby The mediation programme serves the Borough to help prevent the escalation of ASB cases by providing RBC and police officers access to the service, and give residents suffering ASB access. Yes – in full  £4,400
2022-23-069 CSP – Rugby  Mentoring  Rugby The programme has two critical elements;
Firstly, to identify and train skilled mentors who can work with young people aged 14-25 who are at risk of becoming involved in serious violent lifestyles. The approach is to create a train-the-trainer component, enabling the programme to be sustained beyond the funding cycle. This age range is flexible and will provide support for parents, guardian and support our local schools. For the context of this application serious violence is defined as including, involvement in county lines, weapon related violence that is is risk to them or a risk to others, gang/group related violence, violent conflict with others, perpetuated through social media. Secondly the programme will identify and train local people who will become community mentors. Community mentors will be offered training and support and will be involved in voluntary mentoring under the supervision of the training provider and skilled mentors. This will create a pathway for community mentors who wish to progress into fully skilled and trained mentoring. 
Yes – in full  £8,000
2022-23-070 CSP – Rugby  VAWG Rugby Using info from the Rugby Safer Street Survey the project will look at violence against women and girls (VAWG) to increase safety in public spaces.  This will include improving safety of physical areas eg lighting, CCTV, conducting a campaign of education and empowerment, and conduction of a youth engagement programme to educate young people.  Seeks to improve feeling of safety, reduce VAWG, and change attitudes/perceptions of young people. Yes – in full  £3,000
2022-23-071 CSP – South Warwickshire  Mentoring  South Warwickshire The programme has two critical elements;
Firstly, to identify and train skilled mentors who can work with young people aged 14-25 who are at risk of becoming involved in serious violent lifestyles. The approach is to create a train-the-trainer component, enabling the programme to be sustained beyond the funding cycle. This age range is flexible and will provide support for parents, guardian and support our local schools. For the context of this application serious violence is defined as including, involvement in county lines, weapon related violence that is is risk to them or a risk to others, gang/group related violence, violent conflict with others, perpetuated through social media. Secondly the programme will identify and train local people who will become community mentors. Community mentors will be offered training and support and will be involved in voluntary mentoring under the supervision of the training provider and skilled mentors. This will create a pathway for community mentors who wish to progress into fully skilled and trained mentoring. 
Yes – in full  £6,000
2022-23-072 CSP – South Warwickshire  CL Diversion South Warwickshire To provide sustainable sessions for young people across South Warwickshire to create and record their own music within a safe and professional environment, alongside peer mentors and partner agencies. The aim is to provide additional diversionary activities in the South of Warwickshire for young people who have a passion or emerging interest in music production. In providing this service the initiative aims to steer young people away from issues within our communities such as County Lines and Gang Related Violence.
Yes – in full  £ 18,494
2022-23-073 CSP – South Warwickshire  CL Joint Interventions  South Warwickshire This project will build a comprehensive approach to enhancing the safety of Stratford and Leamington’s most vulnerable residents to county lines and address vital evidence gathering and safeguarding opportunities. The project will utilise the established problem-solving approaches of the problem analysis triangle. This model looks at addressing the three fundamental ingredients for crime and exploitation to occur. These are the offender, the victim and the location it takes place. This project will strengthen existing interventions and approaches in South Warwickshire that are reducing or preventing exploitation.  Yes – in full  £7,650
2022-23-074 CSP – South Warwickshire  Street Community  South Warwickshire Working with the Police SNT and Stratford District Council, the Stratford Business Improvement District (BID) will provide additional capacity to disrupt street behaviours through their existing roving town hosts. The project has three component parts:
1) CCTV Body Cameras and associated equipment. 2) Additional shifts for BID town hosts 3) Awareness Raising Signage/Target Hardening.

Yes – in full  £4,500
2022-23-075 CSP – South Warwickshire  GOSS (Going Out Staying Safe)  South Warwickshire Your Town Your Choice events have been delivered successfully in Leamington in previous years. The events promote going out and staying safe with a focus on the night-time economy. A range of partners work together to give advice, information and support on a variety of subjects such as drugs and alcohol, hate crime, harassment and sexual assault. As a result of the events, we aim to make Leamington’s night time environment a great place for all and equip those who enjoy it with the knowledge to stay safe. Yes – in full  £4,500
2022-23-076 CSP – South Warwickshire  Street Marshals  South Warwickshire Two street marshals are employed to work every Friday and Saturday night in Leamington Town Centre, these are funded by Warwick District Council.  Additional busy nights have been funded by the OPCC.  The key objectives of the scheme are to provide support to, and ensure the safety and welfare of, people out enjoying the nightlife in Leamington Town Centre. Yes – in full  £5,000
2022-23-077 CSP – South Warwickshire  CCTV (S) South Warwickshire r GOSS (Going Out Staying Safe) work is a coordinated partnership approach delivering early intervention in the Night-time Economy (NTE). This model is intelligence -led in terms of  known busiest days/nights but also trends and peaks in violent crime over a 3-year period. It is aimed at the 18-30 age group who are the most likely perpetrators and victims of violence and most likely perpetrators of rowdy behaviour. The funding requested will be used to resource double crewing of Stratford District’s CCTV team on the busiest days/nights in order to prioritise and coordinate interventions and support the police,  street marshals, street pastors and businesses. Yes – in full  £5,400
2022-23-078 CSP – South Warwickshire  CCTV (WD) South Warwickshire The GOSS (Going Out Staying Safe) work is a coordinated partnership approach delivering early intervention in the Night-time Economy (NTE) (Leamington). This model is intelligence-led in terms of our known busiest nights but also trends and peaks in violent crime over a 3-year period. It is aimed at the 18-30 age group who are the most likely perpetrators and victims of violence and most likely perpetrators of rowdy behaviour. The funding requested will be used to resource double crewing of Warwick District’s CCTV team on the busiest nights in order to prioritise and coordinate interventions and support the police,  street marshals and street pastors. Yes – in full  £11,500
          Total: £159,444
          Grand Total:  £539,175