Commissioner’s Grants Scheme
The Commissioner’s Grants Scheme is an annual award which seeks to support initiatives that will reduce crime, support victims and make communities safer. Awards are made to applications which can demonstrate support for one or more of the ambitions of the Police and Crime Plan, namely:
- Strengthen Policing
- Safeguard People
- Protect Communities
Schemes both large and small are benefiting from this year’s round of funding, with all applications fully evaluated and scored against strict criteria to determine their eligibility and suitability. All grants are subject to the same terms and conditions.
2025/26 Grants Scheme

Leamington Street Pastors are given their grant award for 2025/26
There are four categories which organisations could apply to funding in the grants awards for the 2025/26 financial year:
- Reducing reoffending
- Children and young people
- Crime prevention
- Road safety
The Police and Crime Commissioner has funded schemes which support the overarching themes of prevention and diversion. A small number of discretionary grants have been given for initiatives with high local or social value.
Separate funding arrangements are in place for Community Safety Partnerships.
Find out more about each of the funded projects for 2025/26
Previous years
Community Safety Partnerships Funding
Grant funding for Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) is now available for the 2025/26 financial year.
Each CSP area has been allocated £35,000 of funding to support community safety priorities and the new Police and Crime Plan (2025-29) across Warwickshire.
All CSP Grants will cover the period from the 1 April 2025 to the 31 March 2026.
Applications are now open and the window to apply for a grant will remain open until 5pm on Friday 19 December 2025.
Please note that only Community Safety Partnerships in Warwickshire are eligible to apply for this funding.
Commissioned Services
The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has also provided funding for a number of county-wide commissioned or co-commissioned services.
Area | Commissioned body | Service funded | Start date | End date | 2024/25 contact payment |
Countywide | Refuge* | Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) and IRIS service. IRIS encourages confidential domestic abuse disclosures to victims GP. | 01/10/2021 | 30/09/2026 | £125,000 (PCC contribution) |
Countywide | Mountain Healthcare (via NHS England) | Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) Children and Young Person Service. PCC contribution towards commissioning of the paediatric service. | 01/02/2022 | 31/01/2026 | £48,106 (PCC contribution) |
Countywide | Mountain Healthcare (via NHS England) | Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) Adult Service. PCC Contribution towards commissioning of the adult service delivered out of the Blue Sky Centre, Nuneaton. | 01/05/2024 | 31/04/2029 | £150,471 (PCC contribution) |
Countywide | Victim Support | General victim recovery services. To deliver support services for victims of crime by assisting victims of crime to recover through the provision of practical and emotional support. | 01/04/2023 | 31/03/2026 | £450,000 |
Countywide | Safeline | Specialist services for victims of sexual abuse and violence. To deliver support services for victims of sexual abuse and violence. Including Independent Sexual Violence Advisors/Therapeutic counselling and pre-trial therapy. | 01/04/2023 | 31/03/2026 | £314,996 |
Countywide | Barnardo’s | Specialist support for child exploitation. To deliver direct interventions and training across the Commissioner’s and Warwickshire County Council priorities, including early identification/prevention, support for children, parents and carers. | 01/04/2023 | 31/03/2026 | £284,411 |
Countywide | West Midlands Anti-Slavery Network | Independent Modern Slavery Advocacy (IMSA) Service. To provide the right level of interventions and service for victims of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking (MSHT), help raise the profile of MS/HT within the community, and amongst professionals of the support available. To deliver training to a range of professionals including educating individuals on the signs to look out for, and NRM procedures, ensuring better victim identification, support, along with more effective prosecution of offenders. | 01/04/2023 | 31/03/2026 | £48,540 |
Countywide | Victim Support | Restorative Justice (RJ) service. To deliver a high quality RJ service that is accessible to every victim of crime in Warwickshire. The service will build awareness and understanding of RJ and its potential benefits within the community and amongst partner agencies and professionals. | 01/04/2023 | 31/03/2026 | £60,000 |
Countywide | Cranstoun | Substance misuse support services (adults). Providing drug and alcohol interventions to those at higher risk within the Criminal Justice service. | 01/04/2024 | 31/03/2027 | £159,601 |
Countywide | Compass | Substance misuse support services (children and young people). Providing drug and alcohol interventions to those at higher risk by raising young people’s awareness of the consequences of substance misuse and reducing the risk of them entering the Criminal Justice system. | 01/04/2024 | 31/03/2027 | £80,000 |
Countywide | Brake | Independent Road Victim Advisor (IRVA) service, providing specialist support to anyone from Warwickshire bereaved or seriously injured in a road crash. | 01/10/2023 | 30/09/2027 | £49,993 |
Countywide | Change, Grow, Live | Adult drug and alcohol treatment services. | 01/05/2024 | 30/04/2025 | £35,493 |
Countywide | Cranstoun | The regional Pre-Arrest Diversion Scheme was co-commissioned by all four Police and Crime Commissioners to have available a diversionary intervention to provide behaviour change interventions and reduce reoffending for drug possession offences. | 01/06/2024 | 31/03/2025 | £6,043.50 |
Countywide | Family Intervention Counselling Service | Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme | 01/04/2023 | 31/05/2025 | £375,000 |
* Co-commissioned with Warwickshire County Council
Needs Assessments
PCCs are responsible for commissioning support services to help victims cope and recover from the impact of crime. Below are our needs assessments for various categories of service provision.
Victim Needs
A victim needs assessment was carried out by TONIC on behalf of the PCC to inform future commissioning.
Warwickshire Victim Needs Assessment 2022 – Executive Summary
2018 Needs Assessment
Warwickshire Victim Needs Assessement – Key Findings
Warwickshire Victim Needs Assessment Executive Summary
Substance Misuse
This needs assessment contributes to the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) for Warwickshire and is produced to inform commissioning for the re-tendering of the Substance misuse services. The needs assessment was produced by a group consisting of County Council public health specialists and commissioners as well as partners who have important roles to play in the identification and treatment of those in need.
Substance Misuse Needs Assessement Key Findings
Previous Grants and Commissioned Services
You can read about previous awards here
Useful Documents for Grants Recipients and Commissioned Services
Please use these Brand Guidelines when communicating about the PCC funding you have received.