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Hundreds of professionals attend child sexual exploitation training event

October 17, 2017
Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe (top image) addresses the audience before the evening performance.

Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe (top image) addresses the audience before the evening performance.

More than 650 professionals gathered at the Bridge House Theatre in Warwick yesterday (Monday October 16) for a training event to help adults who work, or come into contact with young people, by raising awareness of the warning signs and the experiences of children who have been sexually exploited.

‘Crashing’ a hard-hitting child sexual exploitation drama production was performed as part of the training.

It tells the story of Eddie.  At 15 years-old he lost his mum to cancer, lost his dad to depression and found himself out on the street.  Whilst sleeping in a shop doorway Eddie was approached by Michael.  Michael was kind, good fun and owned a shop with an empty flat above it.  He offered Eddie the chance to stay there until he got back on his feet, but unfortunately Michael had another agenda.

The play has proven highly effective at covering:-

  • How child sexual exploitation can – and does – happen to boys and young men
  • What makes a healthy relationship
  • What makes an unhealthy relationship
  • The grooming process, child sexual exploitation & the differing models & methods
  • Where to go for help and advice

Funded by Warwickshire County Council, Warwickshire Police and Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe, the theatre performance was followed by a workshop and the launch of the revised Warwickshire Safeguarding Children Board CSE, Missing and Trafficking Strategy.

Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe said: “Child Sexual Exploitation is happening in Warwickshire but is often hidden from view, so it is vitally important that professionals who work with or have contact with young people understand how to spot the signs and know what they should do to raise their concerns. In particular, there is sometimes a misconception that CSE only involves girls and young women but as the performance demonstrates very effectively, boys and young men are equally susceptible, so it’s important to boost awareness and ensure all victims get the right level of help and support.

“I’m delighted that Crashing was staged here in Warwickshire and I was more than pleased to provide funding for this event which is very much in line with my focus on vulnerability and ensuring people are protected from harm.”