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Have your say on the future of policing and criminal justice in Warwickshire

March 4, 2020

A hand fills in a surveyResidents across Warwickshire are being encouraged to join in the conversation about the future direction of policing and criminal justice by taking part in survey organised by the county’s police force and Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe.

Launch the survey

Opinions are now being sought online as part of a wider public consultation, which has already seen more than 700 people surveyed by telephone or through face-to-face sessions.

It comes as Warwickshire Police builds its new operating model with many more services now being delivered by staff based within the county, following the decision by West Mercia Police to end the strategic alliance the two forces had previously shared.

As the exciting transformation programme – known as ‘Evolve’ – continues to roll out, police leaders want further public feedback to ensure that they fully understand local concerns on crime, policing and community safety.

Feedback will also help to inform the next Police and Crime Plan for the county, to ensure that the future strategic priorities set for the force match with public expectations for the police and wider criminal justice agencies.

A simple-to-complete online survey has been launched this week at: www.warwickshire-pcc.gov.uk.
People from all corners of Warwickshire are being invited to have their say to ensure that future plans are fully in line with public opinions.

Topics covered include how Warwickshire Police should work with others to deliver its services; perceptions about stop and search and the use of body worn video by police officers; whether more officers should carry Taser devices and a whole range of other questions focused on operational policing.

Questions also relate to the current priorities of the Police and Crime Plan, to evaluate in more depth the key areas of putting victims and survivors first, ensuring efficient and effective policing, protecting people from harm and preventing and reducing crime.

Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe said: “Warwickshire Police is currently undergoing an exciting programme of change which will set the foundations for policing in the county for many years to come, so it is vitally important that we take into account the public’s views as we rebuild what is an essential public service.

“As Police and Crime Commissioner, my role is also very much to engage with the public to understand their concerns and then act as their voice on policing and wider criminal justice matters, so it is really important to hear back from as many people as possible.

“We have already taken the views of more than 700 residents from a wide range of backgrounds and in all areas across Warwickshire through targeted telephone and face-to-face surveys, but we are keen to hear from even more people to ensure we have broadest feedback possible. The survey is simple to complete and shouldn’t take long to finish, so do go online and tell us your views.”

Warwickshire Police Chief Constable Martin Jelley added: “It is really important that we hear from as many Warwickshire residents as possible about their concerns and priorities around crime and policing, to help us shape and plan our service.

“This is a time of significant change, due to developments including the end of the alliance with West Mercia and the investment in increasing numbers of police officers, and that brings opportunities to review and rethink how we do things. Understanding the views of our communities is essential to us as we do this, to make sure our plans properly reflect their needs.
“Please take the time to complete this survey and have your say on policing in Warwickshire.”

The survey is online via the link below:


Launch the survey