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Commissioner’s Grants Scheme 2022/23


Apply now for 2022/23 grantsThe Commissioner’s Grants Scheme aims to fund projects that will reduce crime, support victims and make communities safer.

For 2022/23 Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe is inviting organisations to bid for funding against one of the grant funds as detailed below:-

  • General grants in support of the Police and Crime Plan priorities;

  • Road safety initiatives.

Organisations are able to submit multiple bids to any of the schemes. Each application will be evaluated separately.

Projects funded by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) under the grants schemes run for 12 a months or less during the course of the financial year.

Additional grant funding is being made available to Community Safety Partnerships through a separate bid process.

Who can apply?

Applications will be welcomed from both established and new community, voluntary, third sector and statutory organisations that deliver projects or services at a countywide level, or for projects that are targeted in one or more local authority areas within Warwickshire.

There is a requirement that all applicant organisations:-

  • are constituted as a legal entity or operate under a formal constitution (equivalent in form to the Charity Commission model constitution);

  • have at least 3 years of audited accounts;

  • are able to provide the last year’s audited accounts;

  • provide appropriate policies and practices as detailed in Section 6 of the application form

  • complete a Subsidy Allowance Declaration form in accordance with the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA)

The OPCC encourages collaborative approaches to applications and encourages organisations to identify how they support and work with their local Community Safety Partnership (CSP).

What does the application need to consider?

All applicants need to detail and provide evidence as to how their projects fit the specific grant fund criteria they are applying against and how they will address the main priorities of the Warwickshire Police and Crime Plan 2021-25:-

  1. Fight crime and reduce reoffending
  2. Deliver visible and effective policing
  3. Keep people safe and reduce harm
  4. Strengthen communities
  5. Deliver better justice for all

Every application must demonstrably support for at least one of these five priorities.

Further information can be accessed through our website at Warwickshire Police and Crime Plan.

For full details of the criteria for each grants scheme, please see the guidance documents in the ‘How to apply’ section below.

Is there anything that the Commissioner will not fund?

The Commissioner will not fund:-

  • Profit-making projects;

  • Contributions towards major refurbishment, building or maintenance work;

  • In the case of the Road Safety awards, contributions towards roads engineering or roadside furniture (including speed cameras);

  • A contribution to an organisation’s running costs for an unspecified purpose;

  • Projects that promote religious or party political beliefs;

  • Projects or activities that have taken place prior to the 1st April 2022;

  • Prizes;

  • Loan or debt repayments.

Please note that the PCC, at his discretion, may choose not to fund a project that is politically-sensitive or contains politically-sensitive elements.

How to apply

In order to apply, applicants must:-

For further information and advice about the grant schemes, please contact the Grants Lead, Precious Williamson, at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.

Please note the deadline for submitting applications and supporting documents to any of the grant schemes is 6PM on the 31 January 2022.