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2021/22 Commissioner’s Grant Scheme


Commissioner's Grants Scheme: Apply now for 2021/22The PCC Grant Schemes aim to fund projects that will deliver “A safer, more secure Warwickshire”.

During 2021-22 the PCC is inviting organisations to bid for funding against one of the grant funds as detailed below:-

  • PCC Small Grant awards;

  • PCC Domestic Abuse Victims Support award;

  • PCC Reducing Reoffending award;

  • Sports, Youth Diversion and Youth Justice

The criteria and information specific to each award are detailed at the end of this document.

Organisations are able to submit multiple bids to any of the schemes. Each application will be evaluated separately.

Projects funded by the PCC’s office under other grants schemes run for 12 months or less during the course of the financial year.

Who can apply?

Applications will be welcomed from both established and new community, voluntary, third sector and statutory organisations that deliver projects or services at a countywide level, or for projects that are targeted in one or more local authority areas within Warwickshire.

There is a requirement that all applicant organisations:-

  • are constituted as a legal entity or operate under a formal constitution (equivalent in form to the Charity Commission model constitution);

  • have at least 3 years of audited accounts;

  • are able to provide the last year’s audited accounts;

  • provide appropriate policies and practices as detailed in Section 6 of the application form.

The PCC encourages collaborative approaches to applications and encourages organisations to identify how they support and work with their local Community Safety Partnership (CSP).

What does the application need to consider?

All applicants need to detail and provide evidence as to how their projects fit the specific grant fund criteria they are applying against and how they will address the main priorities of the Warwickshire Police and Crime Plan:-

  • Put Victims and Survivors First;
  • Ensure Efficient and Effective Policing;
  • Protect People From Harm;
  • Prevent and Reduce Crime.

Every application must demonstrably support for at least one of these four priorities.

Further information can be accessed through our website at Warwickshire Police and Crime Plan.

The application forms are self-explanatory but please ensure you fill in each of the sections in order that you:

  • Provide requested information about the organisation;

  • Describe the project or activity and who the beneficiaries will be;

  • Demonstrate clearly how their project will contribute to the Police and Crime Plan’s outcomes and priorities;

  • Clearly demonstrate and evidence the need for their project or activity;

  • Provide clear understanding of what differences the project or activity will make and how this will be measured and reported. All successful applicants will be required to provide a quarterly grant update report detailing the outcomes, outputs and impacts of their project or activity;

  • Explain the longer term strategy for providing this project. The PCC grants scheme is time limited and successful applicants should be able to demonstrate to the Commissioner their longer term vision on sustainability, mainstreaming or funding opportunities;

  • Provide a clear breakdown of project costs. This should include match funding and volunteer time.

Providing clear evidence for the need for the project and how it supports the priorities in the Police and Crime Plan is strongly advised. It is also critical that there is a clear intention to monitor outcomes and a demonstrable understanding in all grant applications of how these outcomes will be effectively monitored throughout the life of the project. This is so that the true impact of a project funded can be illustrated to the OPCC and to the public. It is strongly advised that these aspects of your application are well-developed.

Any funding offered from these schemes will normally be made on a one-off basis, for a specified purpose, and with no commitment to renew, increase or extend funding beyond the offer’s terms and conditions. Applicants should therefore have arrangements for dealing with the ending of any funding stream offered by this scheme.

Is there anything that the PCC will not fund?

The PCC will not fund:-

  • Profit-making projects;

  • Contributions towards major refurbishment, building or maintenance work;

  • In the case of the Road Safety awards, contributions towards roads engineering or roadside furniture (including speed cameras);

  • A contribution to an organisation’s running costs for an unspecified purpose;

  • Projects that promote religious or party political beliefs;

  • Projects or activities that have taken place prior to the 1st April 2021;

  • Prizes;

  • Loan or debt repayments.

Please note that the PCC, at his discretion, may choose not to fund a project that is politically-sensitive or contains politically-sensitive elements.

How will the applications be assessed?

Each bid will be assessed on its own merits using an evaluation process and scoring system. Weighting of scores will be allocated on the following proportions:-

  • 80% of the score will be awarded against the quality of the project, the difference it will make, how it will address the priorities of the Police and Crime Plan and the applicants’ ability to evidence the outcomes;
  • 20% of the score will be awarded against Value for Money. This will include the actual cost of the project and the added value of the project, including the organisation’s understanding and evidencing of the project’s wider social impacts and social values.

An evaluation panel will meet to review scores allocated to each application. The PCC makes all final decisions on grant allocations.

Please note that the PCC, at his discretion, may opt not to allocate all available funding through the schedules grant schemes if submitted bids fall below a quality standard. Unallocated funding may be allocated at a later date.

Match Funding and Sustainability

Applications which have secured funding towards their project from elsewhere are welcome and we therefore encourage you to approach other organisations to support your project.

Another is that your project has a robust and sustainable delivery model including plans for future financial sustainability. The PCC wants to encourage and enable organisations to move towards their projects becoming sustainable in the long term. Therefore your application should show how you will plan to move towards becoming more financially sustainable and priority will be given to those organisation who can demonstrate this for the next few years.

Working in Schools/ Colleges and other organisations

The PCC receives a number of applications for projects to work in schools / colleges or with community groups. From the applications, it is not always clear if prior arrangements have been made with the institution that the project plans to work with. We strongly advise that you approach the relevant organisations and/or Community Safety Partnerships to discuss the need for such a project/activity in the geographical area. We encourage that you consider making an agreement in principle with those settings/projects. The application should include contact details of those organisations that agreement/ support arrangements has been made with.

If your project is for funding relating to those aged 25 and under, please ensure that you approach the relevant local authority to gain support for the project and agree viable referral pathways where appropriate.

How to apply?

In order to apply, applicants must:-

  • Read the specific criteria and guidance for the different grant schemes at the end of this document;

  • Complete the relevant application form electronically (please note: there are different forms for the different grant schemes so please check if you are unsure);

  • Submit the application and all required documents electronically by 6PM on the 31st January 2021;

  • Submit the application to [email protected] with ‘PCC Grant Application 2021-22’ in the subject line;

  • Clearly state which PCC grant scheme they are applying for in the body of the email.

Criteria Briefs

Funding Themes

To help organisations with your applications, the PCC has identified some key areas that encompass the broad range of work that we support through the grants scheme to ensure that funding is responsive to current and emerging trends in Warwickshire as set out in the Police and Crime Plan. These areas of work, much like the four key priorities have equal status and importance.

The themes found below by no means preclude any applications for services / projects that sit outside of these areas and we encourage you to propose new approaches, bespoke solutions and initiatives to the PCC.

1: PCC Small Grant awards

Estimated maximum grant fund approximately £50,000.

Maximum grant bid: £10,000

The PCC invites applications for any project that aims to address one or more of the Police and Crime Plan’s priorities. The PCC would also be interested to view applications that specifically aim to address knife-crime. All applications should be for one-off funding for a specific project.

The PCC encourages collaborative approaches to applications and encourages organisations to identify how they support and work with their local Community Safety Partnership (CSP).

Though there is no maximum bid, applicants are advised that this fund is countywide and the amount requested in an application should reflect considerations such as the project’s geographic reach and number of service users set to benefit.

2: PCC Domestic Abuse Victims Programme

Estimated maximum grant fund available: £30, 000

Maximum grant bid per project: None

The PCC invites applications which provide a Therapeutic Counselling Service across Warwickshire for victims of domestic abuse regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation. The service provider must be able to deliver services regardless of the risk level of the victim and from local venues to ensure ease of access for victims.

Though there is no maximum bid, applicants are advised that this fund is countywide and the amount requested in an application should reflect considerations such as the project’s geographic reach and number of service users set to benefit.

3: Reducing Reoffending award

Estimated maximum grant fund available: £15, 000

Maximum grant bid: £15,000

The PCC invites applications for a countywide project that directly addresses the reducing reoffending agenda in Warwickshire. The successful provider will need to evidence how the project will contribute to reducing reoffending and how that reduction will be measured.

The PCC encourages service providers to collaborate and share best practice to maximise the front line delivery. The PCC encourages organisations to identify how they will support and work with the Warwickshire Reducing Reoffending Board.

4: Sports, Youth Diversion and Youth Justice

Estimated maximum grant fund available: £25, 000

The PCC invites applications to deliver sport initiatives that builds on the power of sport as a tool to divert young people from criminality. ‘Youth Diversion’ relates to young people up to the age of 25 who are at risk of committing offences or who commit offences but who are not entrenched within the Youth Justice or Criminal Justice system.

Successful applications will need to evidence how the project will contribute to diverting young people from criminality as well as to positively influence behaviour and attitudes of at risk youth to prevent antisocial and risky behaviour. Project must also demonstrate how outcomes will be measured.

Special consideration will be given to innovative projects that are aimed at reaching hard to reach groups (especially communities from Black, Asian, African and Minority Ethnic communities). Examples include, developing positive life skills, building resilience, building social capital, improving attitudes, thinking and behaviour, promoting health relationship and opening up opportunities to provide young people with short term and long term benefits from taking part in sport, volunteering, mentoring/coaching and employment.

Though there is no maximum bid, applicants are advised that this fund is countywide and the amount requested in an application should reflect considerations such as the project’s geographic reach and number of service users set to benefit.

Final Thoughts

The success of this funding round is entirely dependent on the quality and strategic necessity of the applications received. The PCC is asking all eligible organisations (both existing and new applicants) to bring as much knowledge, expertise, skills, creativity and bespoke solutions to resolve local issues to make a ‘safer, more secure Warwickshire’.

For further information and advice about the grant schemes, please contact the Grants Lead, Precious Williamson, at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.

Please note the deadline for submitting applications and supporting documents to any of the grant schemes is 6PM on the 31st January 2021.

How to contact us

Please email completed applications and supporting documents to [email protected]

Applications forms, guidance notes and downloads