Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe supported Operation Protect 2016, a 10-day initiative to ‘open the window on policing’ in the county.
The Warwickshire Police initiative was designed to showcase the wide breadth of work that goes into keeping the county safe, allowing the public to see behind the scenes and get a better idea of how the force responds to incidents and crimes. Philip joined Safer Neighbourhood Teams in Alecester and Bidford areas, took part in night-time patrols in Leamington Spa where he looked in on a number of licensed premises checks and called into see a bicycle security marking event in Warwick with the Chief Constable.
The event included a 24-hour ‘tweetathon’ from force Twitter accounts, highlighting the many calls for assistance police receive on a daily basis. Philip joined the West Mercia PCC John Campion in the Hindlip control room to lend a hand to the Tweeting efforts.