Philip Seccombe, Inspector Dave Valente (of Warwickshire Police Road Safety Unit) and members of the Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team are pictured with Bill Gifford, County and District Councillor for Leamington Milverton, and members of the Milverton CSW. Picture by Guy Wilson.
Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe has marked the launch of one of the latest Community Speed Watch groups in the county. In the north of Leamington, Milverton CSW, formed through the local Neighbourhood Watch organisation, has been established in response to increasing concerns of local residents with speeding traffic particularly along main roads.
CSW is a UK-wide initiative launched by the Police some years ago and allows members of the public to help make motorists aware of their speed and to drive within the limit. The primary intention of CSW is to provide a visible deterrent such that motorists will think about their speed. Contrary to popular myth, CSW does not issue speed tickets. Details of vehicles travelling in excess of the limit are passed to the Police who will then issue an advisory caution to the registered keeper. If the same vehicle is recorded three times in a 12-month period then the Police will take enforcement action.
A successful CSW session may detect no speeding vehicles; this would show that drivers are heeding the speed limit. Clearly, where there are existing problems, CSW would expect to initially detect a number of speeding vehicles but, over time, the intention and hope is that this diminishes to zero.
Commenting on the launch, Mr Seccombe, who is also Chair of Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership, said: “I’m strongly supportive of Community Speed Watch schemes as they can have a real deterrent effect and prompt a change in behaviour from motorists. The Road Safety Partnership has set an ambitious target of reducing by 50% the deaths and serious injuries that occur on our roads by 2030. That will require us all to become safer road users, which includes making sure that we drive within legal limits and at safe and sensible speeds for the road conditions.
“The work undertaken by Community Speed Watch volunteers is a vital component of achieving this behaviour change, so I am delighted to see the new scheme in Milverton launching.”
Milverton CSW will be focusing on identified areas of community concern; the current sites the group are operating in are Northumberland Road, Kenilworth Road, and Rugby Road, with more sites under consideration. The group currently has eight members but would like to encourage more people to get involved. If you would like to join, please contact [email protected].