Warwickshire PCC Philip Seccombe launching the grant scheme at the ‘Building a Stronger Warwickshire Together Conference’ with, from left, Councillor John Horner, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Community Safety for Warwickshire County Council; Paul Tolley from Warwickshire Community and Voluntary Action; and Phil Evans, Head of Community Services for Warwickshire County Council.
Community projects, crime-reduction initiatives, victims’ support services and non-profit groups are set for a cash injection from Warwickshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe, as he reopens his Grants Scheme for new funding bids for 2017/18.
The scheme aims to fund projects that will deliver a safer, more secure Warwickshire, promote crime prevention, help support victims of crime and reduce re-offending. It is open to both established and new non-profit service providers who will deliver projects that address the key objectives of the Police and Crime Plan. Successful applications will demonstrate how they can provide Warwickshire residents with services which will:
- Put victims and survivors first;
- Ensure efficient and effective policing;
- Protect people from harm;
- Or prevent and reduce crime.
Applications are welcomed from community, voluntary, third-sector and statutory organisations which deliver services either county-wide or targeted in one or more local authority areas within Warwickshire.
Launching the scheme at the Third and Public Sector Partnership Group’s ‘Building a Stronger Warwickshire Together Conference’ in Rugby, Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe said:
“The priorities in my Police and Crime Plan are based on the issues that people have told me are a concern to them and the aim is to create a safer and more secure Warwickshire for everyone. The police cannot do this alone, however, and I am keen to channel resources towards projects and initiatives which can make a real difference to local communities.
“Through my grants scheme I want to foster a culture and a marketplace among service providers which allows the most successful ideas and initiatives to prosper, meeting the needs of local communities and contributing to keeping them safe and reducing the fear of crime.”
He added: “In my first six months of office I have visited many groups and organisations around the county who are working to tackle crime and improve community safety. I have been impressed by the innovation I have seen and in opening the grants scheme to applications for 2017/18, I am keen to hear from projects new and old who can show similar innovation and help deliver on the ambitions of my Police and Crime Plan.”
Full details of how to apply and terms and conditions for the award of grants are available on the PCC’s website at: www.warwickshire-pcc.gov.uk/grant-scheme
The deadline for applications is noon on Thursday, 22 December 2016. Late applications will not be considered or evaluated.
All applications will be subject to a rigorous evaluation process and details of successful applications and the total funding award will be announced in Spring 2017.