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National Rural Crime Survey 2018 banner
Have your say, make your voice heard – the 2018 National Rural Crime Survey
It’s three years since the last National Rural Crime Survey revealed the huge cost of crime to rural communities – both financial, at £800 million per year, and fear, with…
Officers on foot patrol in Nuneaton
New policing model protects frontline and meets public demand
Frontline policing is being boosted across Warwickshire as Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe delivers on his promise to translate additional funding from the Police Precept into officer numbers across…
Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe
PCC welcomes government review of unauthorised caravan site powers
Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe has welcomed a government review of the law and powers to deal with unauthorised caravan sites and developments. The review will seek views…
Brinklow Supported Villages Scheme launch, from left : PCSO Sharon Baille Crabtree, PCSO David Banks, Jennie Boonham, Deputy PCC Robt Tromans, Vera McBay, David Lowe, John Reid, Michael Lavin, Elaine Friswell and PC Stuart Baker.
Brinklow becomes eighth ‘Supported Village’ in Rural Crime Initiative
Brinklow has become the latest rural community in the north of the county to join a crime prevention initiative funded by the Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner, Philip Seccombe. By…
Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe
PCC responds to latest inspection report on police effectiveness
Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) has today (March 22) published a report on how effective Warwickshire Police is at keeping people safe and reducing…
Team that tackles child sexual exploitation to host live webchat
Warwickshire Police is hosting an online discussion for members of the public to ask questions about the work we are doing to tackle child sexual exploitation. The Warwickshire multi-agency team,…
Grant Scheme Apply Now banner
Second phase of Commissioner’s Grant Scheme opens for bids
Projects which deliver targeted drugs and alcohol interventions for adults and young people are being invited to bid for a slice of funding by Warwickshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Philip Seccombe.…
Pictured at the training event are, from left: Lara Macnab (Warwickshire Legal Services), Tom Rogers (Warwickshire MAPPA Coordinator), Michael Goucher (Warwickshire Legal Services) and Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe.
Training for criminal justice practitioners boosts public protection
Frontline practitioners from a range of criminal justice agencies from across Warwickshire have received training on how best to use legislation and court orders to safeguard the public from dangerous…
Helping to launch the #NoMeansNo campaign outside Nuneaton Town Hall.
Commissioner supports #NoMeansNo campaign in Nuneaton and Bedworth
Nuneaton and Bedworth Safer Communities Partnership (NABSCOP) is running an awareness campaign led by the Borough Council and with support from Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe, to highlight…
Restorative Justice services in Warwickshire receive national recognition
A service commissioned by the Police and Crime Commissioner to help victims of crime and reduce re-offending in Warwickshire has been awarded the Restorative Service Quality Mark (RSQM). The Restorative…