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Warwickshire PCC Philip Seccombe
Public asked to have their say on funding for police in Warwickshire
A consultation has been launched to give the public a say on proposals to boost funding for policing in Warwickshire through an increase in the police’s share of council tax…
Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe
Police and Crime Commissioner welcomes police funding announcement
Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe has welcomed the Home Office’s announcement on police funding, which gives PCCs greater flexibility to increase the budgets of their local forces. Alongside…
Commissioner responds to latest inspection report on Warwickshire Police
Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe has expressed disappointment at a grading of ‘requires improvement’ for Warwickshire Police from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services…
Philip Seccombe launching the 2018/19 Grants Scheme
PCC launches first phase of grants scheme for community safety initiatives
Projects which help people stay safe and recover from their problems are being invited to bid for a slice of funding by Warwickshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Philip Seccombe. Through…
Warwickshire PCC Philip Seccombe (right) talks with RoSA Manager Julie Bettelley (left) and RoSA Board of Trustees Chair Sue Crosson (centre)
PCC visits charity which supports victims of sexual violence
Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe has hailed the work of a charity which helps support people who have been affected by rape, sexual abuse or sexual violence during…
Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner handing the Award for Excellence in Policing and Community Safety to PC Martin Rone-Clarke.
First winner of new PCC Award for Excellence in Policing and Community Safety revealed
The winner of new award launched by Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe to reward Excellence in Policing and Community Safety has been revealed. PC Martin Rone-Clarke, Warwickshire Police’s Gypsy…
Warwickshire PCC Philip Seccombe
PCC welcomes Warwickshire Police’s ‘good’ rating for efficiency
A report by the police inspectorate has found that Warwickshire Police makes effective use of its resources, plans well for the future and understands the levels of demand and public…
Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe launching the Victims and Witnesses Charter with Baroness Helen Newlove, Victims' Commissioner for England and Wales
Victims and Witnesses Charter launched in Warwickshire
Warwickshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe has launched a new charter which sets out the standards and services communities should expect to receive from the police and criminal justice…
Police sirens
Police response and community spirit praised following Nuneaton incident
Emergency services and the Nuneaton community have been praised after the successful resolution of an incident yesterday (Sunday 22 October) in which police received reports of a man with a…
Actors tell 'Eddie's' story at Bridge House Theatre in Warwick
Hundreds of professionals attend child sexual exploitation training event
More than 650 professionals gathered at the Bridge House Theatre in Warwick yesterday (Monday October 16) for a training event to help adults who work, or come into contact with…