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Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe and representatives of the projects which have received £2,345,318 in funding from the Commissioner’s Grants Scheme.
Commissioner gives community safety projects a multi-million pound boost
Projects tackling domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse, sexual offences and programmes providing positive diversionary activities for young people are among the county initiatives being given a £2.3 million boost…
Student officers PC Mohammed Mazhar, PC Sophie Reading and PC Tom Poole encouraging others to join them in a career with Warwickshire Police.
Commitment to boost frontline policing delivered as officer recruitment begins
A new campaign to recruit new officers for Warwickshire Police is delivering on Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe’s promise to spend the whole of this year’s police precept increase…
Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe with Inspector Chris Walton from Warwickshire Police and members of the Southern ICV Panel at Leamington Justice Centre
Custody visitors praised by PCC as hunt for new volunteers continues
Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe has praised the invaluable work of Independent Custody Visitors and the contribution they make to increasing confidence in policing. His comments come during…
National Volunteers' Week June 1-9 2018 banner
Special event celebrates the contributions of volunteers in policing
The amazing contributions of volunteers across policing and community safety will be celebrated this weekend at a special one day conference hosted by Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe.…
The Warwickshire Police Rural Matters and Rural Watch stand at Kenilworth Show.
Come and meet the Commissioner to share your views this summer
Warwickshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe is giving the public the chance to say hello and share their views on policing, crime and community safety at a series of…
An image of a calculator and some financial documents
Statement of Accounts 2017/2018 – Public Inspection Notice
Notice of the Commencement of the Period for the Exercise of Public Rights The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014  Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2015 Part 5 Sections 14…
Two custody visitors in a cell with a detainee
Get a glimpse of life behind bars to help maintain the safety of police custody
How would you like to get an inside look at what conditions are like at police cells in the county and speak to detainees about their stay in custody suites? If…
Chief Inspector Daf Goddard presenting the community box to Michael Koch, Chair of Marton Parish council with Carol Cotterill, Rural Crime Officer, PC Paula Haden, PCSO Kamilla Shilton from Rugby SNT and members of the Marton community.
Marton becomes ninth ‘Supported Village’ in rural crime initiative
Marton has become the latest rural community in the north of the county to join a crime prevention initiative funded by the Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner, Philip Seccombe. By…
Launching the 'Police - stop this vehicle' scheme for agricultural vehicles are, from left: PCSO Jane Owen, Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe, Rural Crime Co-ordinator Carol Cotterill and Sergeant Neil Pearsall.
New scheme launched to combat agricultural vehicle thefts
A new scheme has been launched by the police in to help tackle thefts of agricultural vehicles in the Warwickshire. Stickers with ‘Police – Stop, if moving between 10pm and…
Coventry & Warwickshire Cyber Challenge Event
Businesses warned about the dangers of cyber crime
Businesses are being urged to switch on to the increasing dangers of cyber crime in order to survive. Around £8.8 million has been lost by residents across Warwickshire, according to…