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Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe
Commissioner invites public feedback to put to Warwickshire Police
Warwickshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe is inviting the public to give him their feedback on policing and community safety issues so he can ask questions to senior police…
Please keep me on a lead sign for dogs near sheep farm
#OpStayHome – advice for dog owners and walkers
While people are currently spending more time at home and many are using their daily exercise to go out walking, we are asking communities to please be mindful about where…
A woman peels a plaster from over her mouth. Caption reads 'Domestic abuse - Talking to someone can help'
Support services for domestic abuse continue to provide help during Covid-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has seen all of us retreat into our homes to stay safe with our family and loved ones. However, for those suffering from domestic abuse, staying at…
Brake logo the road safety charity
Funding boost to improve support to road crash victims welcomed
Warwickshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe and Warwickshire Police have welcomed new Government funding to boost the support that can be given to road crash victims. The Department for…
Images of a deserted county
Warwickshire Police thank the public for their continued support during the CoVID-19 pandemic
Warwickshire Police would like to thank the public for their ongoing support and commitment in continuing to follow Government guidance around staying at home and maintaining social distancing to prevent…
Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe
Warwickshire PCC’s response to the coronavirus pandemic
Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe has added his praise for the police, health care agencies and other emergency services who are working alongside public health officials and local…
Child Exploitation Awareness Week
Child Exploitation is happening in Warwickshire – don’t ignore it
Warwickshire Police, Warwickshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Barnardo’s and Warwickshire County Council are supporting the National Child Exploitation Awareness Day on Wednesday (18 March) by running an awareness week. Child…
PCC Election logo
Reaction to postponement of PCC elections to 2021
Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe has welcomed news that the Government intendeds to postpone local elections in England, due to the coronavirus outbreak. The Cabinet Office has announced…
PCSO Mo Yaqub, PC Simon Ackroyd, Kurt Kovach and Lynda Kovach (Community Speed Watch), Nigel O’Mara (Vice Chair of Parish Council), Inspector Allison Wiggin, Gary Hope (Chair of Parish Council), Robert Stokes (Community Speed Watch), Rural Crime Officer Carol Cotterill, PCSO Sarah Fretter.
Shuttington becomes latest community to join the Warwickshire ‘Supported Village’ scheme
Shuttington in North Warwickshire has become the latest village in Warwickshire to join the ‘Supported Villages Scheme’, funded by the Police and Crime Commissioner, Philip Seccombe. The Parish Council worked…
Police Cadets try out virtual reality headsets
New virtual reality headsets launched to help young people understand issues affecting them
New virtual reality headsets will soon be used by police in young people’s educational workshops. The headsets, which were purchased by Warwickshire Police and a number of partners, are designed…