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Inspectors rate Warwickshire Police as good at recording crime
Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe has welcomed the findings of an independent audit which show that Warwickshire Police is rated as ‘good’ at how it records crime. The…
Warwickshire police logo and Philip Seccombe Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire
Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable welcome Home Secretary’s Intervention on alliance arrangements
The Chief Constable and Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire have today welcomed Home Secretary Priti Patel’s direction requiring West Mercia Police and Warwickshire Police to continue their collaborative arrangements…
At the launch of the Rural Crime Team are: Rural Crime Officer Carol Cotterill, Inspector Allison Wiggin, PCC Philip Seccombe, Chief Constable Martin Jelley, Sergeant Bob Shaw, PC Andy Timmins, PC Kate Taylor, PC Craig Purcell
Warwickshire Police launch Rural Crime Team
Warwickshire Police are today 7 October 2019 delighted to announce the launch of the first Warwickshire Rural Crime Team dedicated to reducing rural crime across the county. The launch coincides…
Warwickshire police logo and Philip Seccombe Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire
Statement on the future of the alliance with West Mercia Police
Statement from Chief Constable Martin Jelley and Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe We can reassure the public that we remain committed to ensuring that policing will continue to be…
An ADI shows a learner driver the Honest Truth road safety pack
Commissioner funds delivery of The Honest Truth road safety project in Warwickshire
Learner drivers in Warwickshire are set to be given an early education in road safety as part of their driving lessons, thanks to funding from the county’s Police and Crime…
HMICFRS inspection report of Warwickshire Police
Today (Friday 27 September) Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) has published its inspection report of Warwickshire Police as part of its annual PEEL (Police…
Road Safety Fund
Commissioner funds innovative schemes to make Warwickshire’s roads safer
More than £300,000 of funding has been confirmed by Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe as part of his serious bid to reduce the numbers of people killed and…
Pictured at Nether Whitacre is Community Speedwatch volunteer Carol Wallace (behind the speed camera), with, from left to right: PC Simon Ackroyd, Speedwatch co-ordinator Bev Woollaston, Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe, Cllr David Reilly, PC Simon Ackroyd and Community Speedwatch volunteers Arthur Harris and Steve Collins.
Road safety given a boost across North Warwickshire
Speeding drivers across North Warwickshire are set to have the brakes put on them thanks to road safety funding granted by Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe.  A bid…
Warwickshire police logo and Philip Seccombe Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire
Statement on the ending of the strategic alliance
Statement from Deputy Chief Constable Richard Moore and Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe on the ending of the strategic alliance with West Mercia Police Discussions to finalise the…
Be a force for all - national police officer recruitment banner
PCC and force welcome launch of national police recruitment campaign
Warwickshire set to benefit as national campaign launched to recruit 20,000 extra police officers A national campaign has been launched by the Home Office today (5 September) as part of…