Grants recipients in 2022 with the Commissioner
Projects and initiatives which help to prevent and deter crime and anti-social behaviour in Warwickshire are being invited to bid for a slice of grant funding by the county’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Philip Seccombe.
The Commissioner’s Grants Scheme is an annual award offered by Mr Seccombe which seeks to support initiatives which will make a positive contribution to the objectives of the Police and Crime Plan.
For the 2023/24 grants awards, the Commissioner is keen to encourage applications from projects which target the causes of criminality and/or anti-social behaviour, seeking to break the generational cycle of offending to prevent it from occurring in the first place.
He is also keen fund projects in Warwickshire which support individuals who have already begun a journey of perpetrating crime and/or anti-social behaviour, but who, armed with the right knowledge, understanding and commitment, can be diverted from this path towards a brighter future.
Proposals that address the Police and Crime Plan ‘focus areas’ of Violent Crime, Violence Against Women and Girls, and Vulnerability, are also keenly sought, as are those which can reduce the numbers of people killed or seriously injured on the county’s roads.
Funding streams available include a Small Grants Scheme, a Road Safety Fund and a separate fund for Community Safety Partnerships to bid against. All funding pots will accept bids for between £1,000 and £15,000 and organisations are able to submit multiple bids, with each application will be evaluated separately on its own merits.
Projects funded by the PCC’s office under the grants scheme run for 12 months or less during the course of the 2023/24 financial year.
Opening the application process, Mr Seccombe said: “My grants fund is a vital way of supporting initiatives which help to support my ambition to reduce crime, support victims and make communities safer. This year I am focusing funding towards projects which help prevent crime and anti-social behaviour and divert those already involved in the criminal justice system away from a cycle of re-offending.
“I already commission a wide range of services to support victims of crime and provide specialist services to help them cope and recover from the effects of crime, so it is important that my grants help to provide funding to other organisations working to improve community safety that have not already benefited from financial support from my office or from central government funding.
“I’m keen to hear from old and new applicants with innovative projects which can make a difference to local communities all across Warwickshire. As in previous years, demand may outstrip the funding available but my office will do the very best it can to make the grants funding support as many as possible, while ensuring that every penny achieves best value for the Warwickshire public.
“All of the supported projects will support the existing work that Warwickshire Police does, reducing the pressures on frontline policing, helping to reduce the number of offences committed and divert people away from a life of crime.”
The closing date for applications is 6pm on 31 January, 2023. For full details about the Commissioner’s Grants Scheme and how to apply, visit: https://www.warwickshire-pcc.gov.uk/your-pcc/commissioners-grants/apply-for-a-grant-for-2023-24/.