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WPCC4-0011- Training Block Redevelopment

 Decision Reference Number: WPCC4-0011

Lead Officer: Nathan Moore – Head of Business Operations

Chief Officer approval: ACC David Gardner

Date: 26/06/24

Status: Partially-confidential

If partially-confidential or confidential please detail the FOI exemption applied and specify which parts are confidential:

Attachments Exempt from disclosure under S.43 (commercial interests) of the FOIA as relating to commercial interests.

Decision summary:

Approval to carry out and complete the design, procurement and delivery of Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the Training Block Redevelopment Project at Leek Wootton.

Phase 1 – external envelope improvements

Phase 2 – asbestos removal and soft strip

I confirm that my register of interests declaration is up to date and that none of my interests preclude me from making this decision.

Signature: P.Seccombe

Date: 04.07.2024

Supporting information

1. Background information

This Decision Notice is for the first two phases of the Training Block redevelopment project at the Leek Wootton headquarters site.

In December 2023, a structural survey of the Training Block by Fairhurst established that the building is slowly degrading due to significant failure of the existing flat roof. They went on to advise that;

“Most of the superstructure and load bearing elements appear satisfactory, with only minor cracking to the internal and external masonry panels”


“It would appear that most of the damage surveyed was due to water ingress through the flat timber roof structure and the rainwater downpipes.”

In April 2024, a design team were appointed to undertake a feasibility study of the existing building, with the aim of assessing the viability and cost of bringing the building back into use as a multi-purpose office, training and meeting facility.

Supporting surveys have been commissioned:

  • A Refurbishment and Demolition Asbestos Survey has been completed to check that all asbestos has been identified, and the cost of its removal captured, in the feasibility report.
  • Areas of the building fabric have been “opened up” to ascertain the existing structural design and cavity wall construction details.
  • The roof has been surveyed and core samples have been taken/analysed to understand the current build up and proposed design methodology.

A summary of all findings, design proposals and associated costings for redeveloping the Training Block were presented to the OPCC and Chief Officers on Wednesday 19th June 2024.  The presentation proposed that the project could be delivered in three phases, by separate contractors who would be procured via competitive tender:

Financial Year 2024/2025

  • Phase 1: External envelope improvements
  • Phase 2: Asbestos removal and soft strip

Order of Cost Estimate: £763,312

All SLT parties agreed that Phase 1 of the redevelopment should be progressed as soon as possible, with the aim of getting the building watertight before winter weather sets in, thus preventing further damage to the structure.  Phase 2 of the redevelopment was also seen as a priority, as the asbestos removal and soft strip will need to take place, however the internal spaces are redesigned/repurposed.

It was agreed that Phase 3 of the redevelopment would be approved separately, following further stakeholder and end user consultation on how best to utilise the internal space.

2. List of additional information attached as appendices

  • Warwickshire Police Training Block – Feasibility Report – Rev A

3. Expected benefits

  • Investment in a building which is currently mothballed and not being maintained.
  • Prevention of further water damage.
  • In the long term, the Phase 3 works could recreate a dedicated training centre for Warwickshire Police personnel and introduce much-needed additional office and meeting room spaces at the headquarters site.

4. Impact of not approving the application

  • Continued decay of the building structure.

5. Costs (including any identified savings)

The cost of phase 1 and 2 works is estimated to be £763,312, and if approved all works are due to be delivered in 2024/25.  Further details regarding the works can be found in the appended document – Warwickshire Police Training Block – Feasibility Report – Rev A.

The works are not currently provided for within the medium term capital programme, but given the urgency of works, it has been agreed that this work should now be a priority.

In the current 2024/25 capital programme, which includes some slipped works from 2023/24, up to £0.500m of funding remains unallocated to a specific project  This decision notice seeks approval to allocate this £0.500m budget to the phase 1 and 2 training block works.  The outstanding budget requirement of up to £263,312, will be underwritten by a transfer from reserves.  However, if alternative financing becomes available in year, this will be used in preference to drawing down funding from reserves.  This process will be tracked through the budgetary control process, and any recommendations made in year, where appropriate.

If approved, the phase 1 and 2 works and the budget provision as outlined above will be included within the capital programme for 2024/25.

6. Equality considerations

  • None identified.

7. Legal comments

The proposals will require an application to be made for approval under the Building Regulations, relating to the proposed external alterations and the internal fire escape provisions.

It is likely that Planning Approval will be required for the installation of the new rooftop plant and the surrounding sight screen, and the requirement for acoustic attenuation will most likely result.

8. Social or Environmental considerations

The OPCC has a duty of care to provide safe and warm facilities for police staff and visitors.

The current feasibility study captures the Estates Team’s request to enhance the thermal performance of the building and to introduce sustainable technologies where commercially viable.

Building fabric improvements to address thermal performance include a complete roof replacement (with current standards of insulation) and new external windows and doors.

Sustainable and energy-efficient technologies will also be embedded in the Phase 3  design.

9. Publication

This decision notice will be published in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Comments from the Treasurer

The total estimated costs of the phase 1 and phase 2 works is £0.763m.  Whilst the project is not included within the approved capital programme, the works are deemed to be a priority before the winter months set in, to avoid further deterioration of the building. £0.500m of funding is currently unallocated in the 2024/25 capital programme.  A decision to allocate this budget to the training block phase 1 and 2 works is supported, along with the underwriting of an additional £0.263m of funding to finance the remaining phase 1 and 2 costs. If alternative sources of finance become available during the course of the year, due to underspending, or other funding opportunities, these may be considered preferable to a reserve transfer and will be considered if and when opportunities arise based on budget monitoring information.

If approved, this project will be included within the 2024/25 capital programme, and all governance, monitoring and reporting processes will apply.

Comments from the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer

This work has been agreed to prevent further deterioration of the building, while plans are drawn up for future use.