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PCC launches first phase of grants scheme for community safety initiatives

November 29, 2017
Philip Seccombe launching the 2018/19 Grants Scheme

Philip Seccombe launching the 2018/19 Grants Scheme

Projects which help people stay safe and recover from their problems are being invited to bid for a slice of funding by Warwickshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Philip Seccombe.

Through the first phase of his Commissioner’s Grants Scheme, Mr Seccombe is making £490,000 available in 2018/19 to support projects which help address sexual abuse and child sexual exploitation; deliver positive and diversionary activities for young people to help steer them away from crime and anti-social behaviour; or provide intervention services for perpetrators of domestic abuse. An additional small grants fund is available for projects helping support his vision of delivering a safer, more secure Warwickshire.

Successful applications will demonstrate how they can provide Warwickshire residents with services which will:-

  • put victims and survivors first;
  • ensure efficient and effective policing;
  • protect people from harm;
  • or prevent and reduce crime.

Grants are available to both established and new service providers from the community, voluntary, third sector and statutory organisations for initiatives either at a county-wide level or targeted at one or more of the local authority areas within Warwickshire.

The second phase of the grant fund will open in the New Year to address projects providing drugs and alcohol services in the criminal justice arena. Alongside other funding already allocated for other projects tackling community safety priorities, it will take the total amount awarded through the Commissioner’s Grant Scheme in 2018/19 to around £1.5 million.

Launching the fund, Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe said: “The priorities in my Police and Crime Plan are based on the issues that people tell me are their key concerns in the communities across Warwickshire and I want to make sure that my grants scheme targets projects and initiatives which can make a real difference to people’s lives.

“The schemes which have received funding from me in previous years have shown real innovation and I am keen to make this year’s grants are equally effective by targeting specific priority areas where I think additional funding will be of most benefit. I look forward to receiving applications from projects both old and new so I’d urge organisations and schemes that might benefit from this funding to visit my website to find out more about how to apply.”

All applications will be subject to a rigorous evaluation process and details of successful applications and the total funding award will be announced in Spring 2018.

The deadline for applications is noon on Friday, 29 December 2017.  Late applications will not be considered or evaluated.

For full details of how to apply and terms and conditions for the award of grants visit PCC’s website at: www.warwickshire-pcc.gov.uk/grant-scheme