The Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 places a statutory duty and electoral mandate on the Police and Crime Commissioner to hold the Chief Constable to account for policing services on behalf of the public.
The Policing Protocol 2023 details the PCC’s legal responsibilities to:
- Scrutinise, support and challenge the overall performance of the Force including against the priorities agreed within the Police and Crime Plan
- Hold the CC to account for the performance of the force’s officers and staff
- Maintain an efficient and effective police force for the area.
- Hold the CC to account for the exercise of the functions of the office of CC and the functions of the persons under the direction and control of the CC.
In Warwickshire the Commissioner holds the Chief Constable to account in the following ways:
- Monthly scheduled meetings focused on performance and governance
- Weekly holding to account meetings
- OPCC attendance at identified force meetings
- OPCC requests for information, reports and briefings on topics, brokered through the CC’s office.
Terms of Reference: Governance and Scrutiny Board
Terms of Reference: PCC/CC Meeting
Monthly holding to account summary
The below highlights hold to account topics that have been raised in February 2025 as part of the PCC function to hold to account:
PCC questions raised in meetings with the Chief Constable:
- Overtime
- APCC Conference in respect of retail crime.
- MARAC arrangements
- Budget Final Settlement
- Regional Governance Group
- Stuart Ross House Planned IT works.
- Officer suspensions and misconduct hearings.
- Culture and Behaviour Survey
- Chief Constable Vision and Strategy plan.
- Neighbourhood Policing Guarantee
- Deputy Chief Constable Recruitment
- Rural Crime Meeting 14/02
- Raneem’s Law
- HMICFRS Debrief
- New Police and Crime Plan Launch
- Roads Safety Partnership meeting
Governance and Scrutiny Board minutes
Meetings archive
We will no longer be publishing weekly minutes as the monthly update summaries all activity. You can find the previous meeting records below.