Decision Reference Number: WPC4-0045
Lead Officer: Sara Ansell
Chief Officer approval: Required if force business.
Date: 12/02/2025
Publication: Information in this form is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) and other legislation. Unless the information provided is covered by an exemption and stated to be either confidential or partly confidential, the information contained in the form will be published on the OPCC website.
Status: Non-confidential
If partially-confidential or confidential please detail the FOI exemption applied and specify which parts are confidential:
Decision summary:
To approve the funding for Community Safety Partnerships (CSP’s) and the process to be adopted for 2025/26 to address Police and Crime Plan priorities, in recognition of the important and integral role they play in providing local solutions to local issues of crime and disorder.
I confirm that my register of interests declaration is up to date and that none of my interests preclude me from making this decision.
Signature: P. Seccombe
Date: 14/02/2025
Supporting information
1. Background information: why do we need to make this decision?
The PCC has made available £175,000 of funding to fund the work of Community Safety Partnerships (CSP’s) in 2025/26. This maintains the same level of funding as in 2024/25. The PCC reviewed and amended the process for CSP’s funding allocations in 2024/25, and proposes that the process will be broadly similar in 2025/26, with some minor adjustments, in response to discussions and engagement with CSP leads.
In 2025/26 the PCC will allocate £35,000 to each CSP Local Authority area to fund local projects that meet Police and Crime Plan priorities. This compares to a £30,000 allocation last year per CSP Local Authority area, and a separate £25,000 to address cross cutting issues affecting all CSP’s. Whist the principle of the overarching funding pot was sound and such projects are still actively encouraged, the administrative burden of that aspect of the process has been challenging in 2024/25. In 2025/26 the overarching funding will therefore be removed and a corresponding additional allocation will be made directly to CSP Local Authorities. This should help streamline the process and remove some of the administrative burdens that had been identified.
To access all funding, CSP leads must submit a project proposal for approval by the OPCC through the online portal, which can be accessed through the PCC website.
The window for submitting proposals against either funding pot will be kept open until the 19th December 2025. This will continue to give CSPs significant freedom as to how and when project proposals are submitted for approval. CSPs can choose to prepare and submit proposals in one batch to meet the full £35,000 allocation, or stagger submissions throughout the year until 19th December 2025. This provides flexibility to be reactive and fluid to changing needs, or better manage staff workloads. Either approach is acceptable.
The OPCC will support and work positively with CSP leads and once received, staff will aim to approve project submissions as swiftly as possible.
Although the project submission window will be kept open until the 19th December 2025, all spending on projects is for the financial year 2025/26 only and there will be no opportunity to carry forward spend beyond the 31st March 2026.
2. What additional documents are relied upon? Please provide a link or separate attachments.
3. What benefits will this bring, including financial, social or environmental benefits?
To support strong partnership working by ensuring that each CSP receives certainty regarding PCC funding for 2025/26, to enable them to plan and deliver projects and local interventions that deliver Police and Crime Plan priorities and address local issues in relation to crime and disorder.
4. What is the impact of not approving the application?
The PCC will not allocate any funding to CSP’s in 2024/25, or the process of allocating funding will be delayed, potentially leaving some local issues unaddressed and Police and Crime Plan priorities unfulfilled.
5. How much will it cost? (please provide cost breakdown, including any identified savings, and include where they have been approved)
A revenue budget of up to £175,000 for CSP funding will be made available in the 2025/26 OPCC budget.
6. Who has been consulted on this proposal?
PCC, DPCC, OPCC managers, and CSP leads.
7. Will this decision have an impact on any specific individuals or groups or communities?
All project submissions should be equality impact assessed by CSP’s.
8. Does this decision have legal implications? Has legal advice been sought?
The process will be subject to strong governance arrangements. Terms and conditions will be issued to CSP’s for approved projects, and purchase orders will be raised. Invoices must be submitted by the CSP on a quarterly in arrears basis.
Comments from the Chief Finance Officer
Project submissions will be fully evaluated by the Office for approval to ensure that they meet the theme of prevention and diversion and Police and Crime Plan priorities. Total funding of £175,000 will be made available in the OPCC 2025/26 budget. OPCC staff will work closely with CSP leads to facilitate the process. The process has been refined this year with some minor changes, which should facilitate a more efficient and effective process
Comments from the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer
This year’s allocations have been determined based on the current requirements and in the interests of efficiency.