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Serious and Organised Crime

Serious and organised crime is a significant threat to the country as a whole and costs the economy billions annually. Despite significant successes, both nationally, regionally and local in Warwickshire, the threat from serious and organised crime remains high, and criminals are continually looking for new and novel methods to exploit victims in order to make money, particularly online.

A large amount of serious and organised crime remains hidden or underreported, meaning the true scale is often unknown. Although difficult to see, the threat is real and occurs every day all around us. Serious and organised criminals defraud, manipulate and exploit their victims, sell them deadly substances, and steal their personal data. They prey on vulnerable people, including children, often using fear and intimidation, and their abuse can be devastating and life-long.

Serious Organised Crime (SOC) Partnership Delivery Group

The SOC Partnership Delivery Group is one of two operational delivery groups of the Serious Organised Crime and Serious Violence Executive (SOC-SV Executive), which in turn reports to the Safer Warwickshire Partnership Board (SWPB). The Group provides a mechanism for the development, management and monitoring of strategies, interventions and budgets which enable partners in Warwickshire to address Serious Organised Crime.

The Police and Crime Commissioner has an important role in leading, supporting, joining up, and monitoring the work being undertaken to tackle serious and organised crime. A representative from the Commissioner’s Office is a member of the SOC Partnership Delivery Group and their Deputy sits on the SOC-SV Executive.