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WA04200 – Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme data

Request Received: 25 July 2023

Responded: 23 August 2023

Q: Please provide the following information for your Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme for the 2022/2023 Financial Year

  1. The Name/Title/Scope of the  commissioned programme in your area
  2. The total number of males who self-referred into the programme
  3. The total number of self-referred males who were accepted onto the programme
  4. The total number of self-referred males who have completed the programme
  5. The total number of males referred by an agency (e.g., police, social service etc.) into the programme
  6. The total number of referred males who were accepted on to the programme
  7. The total number of referred males who have completed the programme
  8. The names of the organisations who have made a referral to the programme
  9. Link to evaluation of programme efficacy:
  10. Financial Contributors: (Inclusive of Statutory, Non-Statutory Organisations and individual voluntary donations)
  11. Budget inclusive of Running Costs

A: Financial year 2022/23:

  1. Name/Title/Scope of the commissioned programme in your area: Warwickshire Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme (W-DAPP).
  2. The total number of males who self-referred into the programme: 19.
  3. The total number of self-referred males who were accepted onto the programme: 8.
  4. The total number of self-referred males who have completed the programme: 3 (as at 31/03/2023) **
  5. The total number of males referred by an agency (e.g., police, social service etc.) into the programme: 55.
  6. The total number of referred males who were accepted on to the programme: 44.
  7. The total number of referred males who have completed the programme: 23 (as at 31/03/2023) **
  8. The names of the organisations who have made a referral to the programme: This information cannot be disclosed due to the commercial sensitivity of referring organisations.
  9. Financial Contributors: Home Office (£200,000), Police and Crime Commissioner Warwickshire (£100,000)
  10. Budget inclusive of Running Costs: £300,000

** It should be noted that the main pathways under W-DAPP are 6 months and 9 months in duration, so completion for some service users will fall beyond the end of the financial year.