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WPCC3-0054 Appointment of a Deputy PCC

Decision Title: Appointment of a Deputy PCC

Decision Reference Number: WPCC3-0054

Lead Officer: Polly Reed, Chief Executive

If force business, date approved by Chief Officer: n/a

Date: 25 April 2022

Status:  Non confidential

Decision summary:

That Emma Daniell be appointed as Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner as of 9 May 2022 in accordance with the Police and Social Responsibility Act 2011.

I confirm that my register of interests declaration is up to date and that none of my interests preclude me from making this decision.

Signature:  Philip Seccombe

Date: 11.05.22

Supporting information

1. Background information

The Police and Crime Commissioner has determined to appoint a Deputy PCC, in accordance with schedule 1 of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 to enable him to add capacity and resilience to the function. This is increasingly important as the role of the PCC evolves and takes on a wider breadth, specifically engaging with partners at a strategic level. The Commissioner carried out an open recruitment process to identify a suitable candidate, and following a number of applications and interviews identified Emma Daniell as his preferred candidate. In accordance with the Act, Emma was presented to the Police and Crime Panel at a confirmatory meeting, in which she was unanimously supported by the Panel for appointment.

2. List of additional information attached as appendices

Confirmation Hearing Paper submitted to the Panel

3. Expected benefits

To provide capacity and resilience to the Commissioner

4. Impact of not approving the application

The office would continue to function without the appointment, but decisions would need to continue to be made about how to target the Commissioner’s time to ensure the delivery of the entirety of the Police and Crime Plan.

5. Costs (including any identified savings)

The salary and expenses for the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner are contained with the budget agreed by the Commissioner for his office.

6. Equality implications

The Act specifically excludes section 7 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 which requires the appointment of staff on merit. However, the Commissioner conducted an open recruitment process, as part of his commitment to diversity and transparency.

7. Legal comments

The Act sets out the requirements of the process for appointing a Deputy PCC, and these have been followed.

8. Publication

Information in this form is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) and other legislation.  Unless the information provided is covered by an exemption and stated to be either confidential or partly confidential, the information contained in the form will be published on the OPCC website.

Comments from the Treasurer

All costs associated with this new appointment are included within the PCC’s 2022-23 annual budget and in the Medium Term Financial Plan.

Comments from the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer

This process has been conducted in accordance with the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act.