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WA0928 – Victim satisfaction rates

FOI Request regarding: Victim satisfaction rates

Request received:  05/01/2021
Responded: 19/01/2021

Q. How many unique visitors were there to the Victims and Witnesses Charter website page in the financial year 2019/20? This specific page: https://www.warwickshire-pcc.gov.uk/police-and-crime-plan/putting-victims-survivors-first/victims-and-witnesses-charter/

A: In relation to the first part of the request I can inform you that there were 62 visits from a total of 50 unique visitors to the Victims and Witnesses Charter website page in the financial year 2019/20. However please note that due to GDPR and restrictions on cookie policy the web analytics only record those visits from visitors who have enabled cookies on the site. As such this is likely to be an under-recording of the true figure.

Q. What were the levels of victim satisfaction in Warwickshire in the following years:

  • 2012/13
  • 2013/14
  • 2019/20

A: In relation to the second part of the request I regret to inform you that after consulting with our lead for Victims and our lead for Performance respectively we do not have a record of the 2012/13 or 2013/14 figures. However I am able to provide you with the figure for the financial year of 2019/20. The victim satisfaction rate was recorded through the standard satisfaction survey in the aforementioned year as 75.5%.