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2021/22 Commissioner’s Grants Scheme Awards

For 2021/22, Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe is awarding grants totalling £1,017,772.

Direct awards

Application number


Name of project

Purpose of the grant

Funding Decision

Awarded 2021-22


Warwickshire County Council

Business Crime Advisor

The Business Crime Advisor works on behalf of the PCC and the four community safety partnerships to deliver actions as detailed in the comprehensive plan developed to address key crime issues for businesses and vulnerable people within Warwickshire.

Yes – in full

 £            41,695 


Warwickshire County Council

Cyber Crime Advisors

Cyber Crime Advisors are aim to raise awareness of the issues to help protect people from becoming victims focusing in particular on the most vulnerable through establishing strong working partnership arrangements and ensuring wide delivery of protection bespoke messages for different audiences through a range of mediums.

Yes – in full

 £            81,890 


Warwickshire County Council

Warwickshire Trading Standards Service

To ensures consumers are protected from unfair trading and successfully supports businesses to ensure that they are trading legally in both physical and virtual settings.  The Service operates in distinct priority areas; with tackling cybercrime being an overarching priority covering all current work streams undertaken.

Yes – in full

 £            71,773 


Warwickshire County Council

Warwickshire Prevent Officer

The Prevent Officer to coordinate and support delivery of the Warwickshire Prevent Action Plan, ensuring effective implementation by local partners of the Government’s Prevent Strategy, Prevent Duty and Channel Duty.

Yes – in full

 £            45,426 


Warwickshire County Council

Warwickshire Community Safety Partnership Analysts

The resource will provide the CSPs with analytical capacity to prpvide a range of reports, including the strategic assessments.

Yes – in full

 £            61,889 


National Probation Service

Domestic Abuse Case Administrator

The post holders will interrogate the Police ATHENA and GENIE systems in order to obtain domestic abuse call out history on service users coming into contact with the NPS, which will facilitate well informed ‘on the Day’ Crown and Magistrates Court sentencing for those convicted of domestic abuse offences, which is a requirement of the Transforming Summary Justice (TSJ) agenda. 

Yes – in full

 £            22,045 


Rural Crime Team-Warwickshire Police

Rural Crime Coordinator

The Rural Crime Coordinator role is more of a strategic role and encompasses gathering and coordination of intelligence, research and pulling together information on behalf of the Rural Crime Team and planning operations to ensure that Officers use their time efficiently and effectively to attend to frontline and/ rural crime activities. 

Yes – in full

 £            34,000 


Warwickshire County Council

Rural Crime Coordinator Project Pot

To develop a project and understanding of the local issues, raise awareness, develop the rural watch website and engage communities.

Yes – in full

 £              7,000 


Stratford District

Rural Crime Advisor

The Rural Crime Advisor role primarily provides crime prevention advice and support to victims of crime, referred locations by the Rural Crime Team and Safer Neighbourhoods Team covering rural beat areas and potentially external stake holders such as the National Farmers Union. 

Yes – in full

 £            51,929 


Warwickshire Police 

Problem Solving Fund

Discretionary fund for Warwickshire superintendent to allocate to fund a problem solving approach for policing in Warwickshire. 

Yes – in full

 £            60,000 


 £           477,647 

Small grants

Application number


Name of project

Purpose of the grant

Funding Decision

Awarded 2021-22


Family Intervention Counselling Service (FICS)

Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Project

Therapeutic Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programme delivered Warwickshire-wide regardless of their postcode. We will be engaging a minimum of 52 individuals across Warwickshire, 22 perpetrators who will attend the combination of one-to-one and group format, up to 26 associated victims attending 12 one-to-one therapeutic sessions and a minimum of 4 perpetrators attending one-to-one sessions who are unable to attend group due to vulnerability or location. 

Yes – in full

 £            68,000 


Warwickshire Retail Crime Initiative

Supporting the victims of crime and disorder in the retail and licensing sectors 

The Warwickshire Retail Crime Initiative Limited (WRCI) is a County wide Partnership approach to prevent and reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in retail and licensed business premises in Warwickshire 

Yes – in part

 £              5,000 


Warwickshire Friendship Project

North Warwickshire Friendships – Nuneaton & Bedworth Area

An exisiting project to improve the lives of disadvantaged children living in difficult family situations. Objective is to achieve this by providing a volunteer Older Friend, who through regular contact can give an individual child support. Aims are to 1. To Improve Self Esteem & Confidence 2.To Improve Behaviour / Social & Communication skills 3.To Improve and extend their life experience, whilst also having fun.

Yes – in full

 £              8,400 


Warwickshire Crimestoppers

Fearless Against Knife Crime

An anti-knife crime programme for young people in schools and pupil-referral units (PRUs) in Warwickshire to discourage young people from carrying knives and report what they know regarding knife crimes. Fearless is the young people’s project of Crimestoppers and aims to educate and empower 11-16 year olds by increasing their awareness around crime.

Yes – in full

 £              8,600 


North Warwickshire Neighbourhood Watch

Core Funding for the prevention and reduction in crime.

North Warwickshire Neighbourhood Watch Association is community based voluntary organisation with the primary aim of offering help, advice and practical solutions to assist members of the community reduce the fear of crime and also reduce the chances of them becoming a victim of crime by raising the awareness of home, vehicle and personal security.

Yes – in full

 £              2,200 


Aspire in Arts

Creative Arts Sessions

 To provide opportunities for young people to realise their full potential by engaging in activities in a caring, safe and supportive environment as an alternative to traditional forms of education and learning. An opportunity to develop their skills, motivation, confidence and life chances to flourish in achieving their aspirations.

Yes – in part

 £            10,000 


Warkwickshire Search and Rescue

Replace Incident Command Unit

The project is to procure a brand new vehicle, ready for customisation as a new ICU which forms the mobile command post for all search call-outs. On a search and rescue call-out, the ICU is driven to the rendezvous (RV) point which is usually at or near where the missing person was last seen. All team members also drive themselves to the RV point, and it is from here that search teams begin their work. 

Yes – in full

 £            10,000 



Feeling Gassed

This project seeks to address the growing nitrus oxide use amongst young people in Rugby. It will then engage three schools most associated with these hotspots and deliver a range of engagements including assemblies, awareness campaigns, and group work on the personal risks of nitrus oxide use, the impact on the community, and where help can be accessed.  

Yes – in full

 £              5,000 


Warwickshire Search and Rescue

Equipping New Recruits

 There are 35 teams nationally. We are called out by POLSAs (only) to search for vulnerable missing people who are primarily those with mental health issues, Alzheimer’s or who are otherwise at risk. We provide searchers, search planning and management and medical first responders to police searches.

Yes – in full

 £              4,800 


Citizens Advice South Warwickshire

Reach Out and Help

Reach Out and Help Warwick offers at home one-to-one support to those in crisis who, for various reasons, need more help to access our services and that of other specialist or statutory services. This project’s primary focus is offering intensive support, advice and advocacy to people in crisis, many of whom are vulnerable, experiencing significant mental health issues or victims of violence.

Yes – in full

 £              9,620 



Drugs and Countylines Awareness

This project will seek to engage Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) communities, particularly women, on drug and substance misuse and awareness. We will target women so that they are able to recognise the different types of drugs, so that they know what to look out for.  The project will also seek to educate BME communities about young people and countylines, about which anecdotally there is poor awareness.

Yes – in full

 £              5,045 


Rugby Council -Community Sport and Recreation Unit- previously Positive Futures

On Track

On Track is the Social Inclusion Programme coordinated and delivered by Rugby Borough Council. On Track deliver community youth provision across the Borough for young people aged 12 – 19 years. Delivering programmes such as 1-1 support, mentoring, group work, youth clubs and outreach sessions to engage young people in Rugby’s priority wards and areas of deprivation. 

Yes – in part

 £            10,000 



Early Intervention and Prevention Support Coordinator

To fund Early Intervention Co-ordinator to provide specialist one-to-one support and deliver group training, and activities to some of the most vulnerable young people (CYP) in our community. Safeline will secure match funding to enable the recruitment of a full-time Early Intervention coordinator. 

Yes – in full

 £            10,000 


Insight Counselling (DACS)

Domestic Abuse Support for Parents of Children With Special Needs.

We are asking the PCC to fund a ‘pioneering project’ specifically aimed to increase safety and reduce risk of DV/DA between parents/carers affected by the challenges of their child’s Special Need/Disability. Added pressure of caring for a family member with Disabilities can lead to whole family relationship breakdown, contributing to the risk of DV/DA, social isolation, lack of family and social support, discrimination, and difficult family life.

Yes – in full

 £            10,000 


Rethink Mental Illness

Rethink Warwick Personal Safety Service

To create and deliver ‘staying safe online training’ aimed at service users experiencing Mental Health delivered via the Recovery and Wellbeing Academy.
• Personal safety packs- including covid relevant personal safety items – daffodil lanyards – for those who can’t wear masks – to avoid public confrontation/ sanitiser alongside the generic Personal Safety items in our previous packs
• Personal Safety Mental Health Recovery Worker role 4 hours per week to provide– online/f2f Personal Safety Surgery weekly
• Walking group – graded exposure after being in lockdown, with support to keep safe outside

Yes – in part

 £              5,000 


Warwickshire Horse Watch

Warwickshire Horse Watch

Warwickshire Horse Watch is a partnership scheme between horse owners and Warwickshire Police in and around the county. The group provide crime prevention advice, marking of property to deter thieves and initiatives to combat equine crime. 

Yes – in full

 £              1,000 


Rugby Borough Neighbourhood Watch

Core Funding

Promoting Neighbourhood Watch as a crime prevention and crime awareness solution to all members of the public in the Rugby Borough which includes giving guidance to and setting up Neighbourhood Watch schemes.  Working closely with Rugby police to ensure the information and support gets out to the public.

Yes – in part

 £              2,000 


Warwickshire County Council

SOCJAG Action Plan

 In the context of this bid the Warwickshire Community Safety Team are lead on a joint bid on behalf of all district and borough community safety partnerships, to develop interventions pathways to support young people aged 14-25 who are at risk of gang and county line exploitation.

Yes – in part

 £            10,000 


Rugby Street Pastors 

Rugby Street Pastors Initiative (RSPI)

Rugby Street Pastors is an inter-denominational Church response to urban problems, engaging with people on the streets of Rugby Town Centre to care, listen and dialogue, offering practical help and advice to the clubbers in the ‘night time economy’ and by their very presence, helping to lower tensions that can so quickly escalate when inebriated clubbers decide to argue with one another. 

Yes – in full

 £              9,176 


Stratford-upon-Avon Street Pastors

Stratford-upon-Avon Street Pastors

Provide a voluntary preventative service to the night-time economy of Stratford-upon-Avon on Friday nights. And assist with developing the service on some Saturdays during the daytime, when the current government restrictions allow.

Yes – in full

 £              3,000 



Warwickshire Reaching Out

This project will seek to address a gap in the existing commissioned service for general child exploitation, and provide both sessional staff hours and positive diversionary activities to a) help CYP who have been criminally exploited to recover and b) help them to focus on more positive activities.

Yes – in full

 £            10,000 


Sycamore Counselling Service

Anger Awareness Project

A charity offering confidential and professional counselling for adults, children and young people throughout Nuneaton, Bedworth and North Warwickshire. Offering therapeutic support for disadvantaged people who are struggling to cope with everyday life affecting their ability to reach their full potential. 

Yes – in full

 £            10,000 


West Midlands OPCC

Anger and Anxiety Out of Court Disposals Project

An intervention additional to BAU offered on a region-wide basis by a CRC to individuals whose offending has been heavily linked to anger or anxiety.  The project will be telephone based and will be 8 sessions of approximately one hour each.  A normal CJ outcome may exacerbate stress leading to further offending; this course seeks to de-escalate such behaviour. 

Yes – in full

 £            10,680 


 £       227,521 

Domestic abuse victim support grants

Application number


Name of project

Purpose of the grant

Funding Decision (Yes/No)

Awarded 2021-22


Parenting Project

You First

Counselling therapy for 70 victims of domestic abuse for 18 sessions. Counselling provides the opportunity for domestic abuse victims to work through the traumas and difficult life events they have experienced.  

Yes – in full

 £            29,995 


Family Intervention Counselling Service (FICS)

DA Victim’s Counselling Service + DA Victim’s Support Group

One-to-one counselling therapy to victims of domestic abuse across Warwickshire, as previously funded by Warwickshire PCC.
This project has been extremely successful, despite the global pandemic, and we would like the opportunity to continue to offer this vital service. During the last 12 months our referrals for victim’s therapy have tripled and we assess that Covid-19 restrictions have had a huge impact on domestic abuse incidents in Warwickshire to have a constant supply of good quality volunteer student counsellors. 

Yes – in full

 £            30,000 


 £         59,995 

Reducing reoffending grants

Application number


Name of project

Purpose of the grant

Funding Decision

Awarded 2021-22


Aspire in Arts

Creative Arts Sessions

A charity delivering a diverse programme of art based early intervention and positiveactivities. To provide opportunities for young people to realise their full potential by engaging in activities in a caring, safe and supportive environment as an alternative to traditional forms of education and learning. An opportunity to develop their skills, motivation, confidence and life chances to flourish in achieving their aspirations.

Yes – in full

 £              5,000 


Futures Unlocked

Core Mentoring

In-reach mentoring to prison inmates to provide practical, emotional and spiritual support. This will mean one-to one meetings in the community to work on the identified priority issues the client faces – be it accommodation, finance/debt, family relationships and the like. We will also be delivering the soft outcomes of social inclusion improved resilience, coping strategies and the knowledge of the support of a non-judgemental critical friend. 

Yes – in part

 £            10,000 


 £         15,000 

Sport, youth diversion and youth justice grants

Application number


Name of project

Purpose of the grant

Funding Decision

Awarded 2021-22


Brunswick Youth

Young People First

We would like the PCC to consider continuity funding of our youth provision within the Brunswick ward of Leamington Spa.  We historically (prior to Covid) ran two youth club sessions attended by an average of thirty young people per session from the Westbury Centre in Brunswick. Since the Covid restrictions we have been offering an adapted version of these sessions.

Yes – in full

 £              6,232 


The Bradby Club

Ascent Project

The Bradby Club offers support, guidance and education for young people throughout their transition into adulthood with a strong focus on the less-advantaged and those in greatest need. 

Yes – in part

 £              5,980 


Hill Street Youth 


The programme is spilt into different areas that include informative & interactive workshops, sport & healthy lifestyle, domestic education, general education upskilling, enhancing life skills and the provision of one to one and group support
and advocacy.

Yes – in full

 £            12,788 


 £         25,000 

Community Safety Partnerships

Application number


Name of project

Purpose of the grant

Funding Decision

Awarded 2021-22


Warwickshire County Council

ECINS ( to develop a secure, cloud based, case management and data sharing system across Warwickshire)

 As an information sharing and case management database, the use of ECINS has assisted agencies in the county to work together and communicate more efficiently and effectively, share information more freely in a secure environment and to adopt a more co-ordinated approach.

Yes – in full

 £            14,132 


CSP North Warwickshire

Targeted youth education addressing exploitation- including risk of county lines, knife crime

To research, develop, coordinate and deliver a universal education officer for schools and youth settings throughout the county.  The interventions will provide universal offers for schools and youth settings with the aim of addressing :
– vulnerability and identified risk and protective factors,
– reducing the risk of exploitation which can include county lines, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Child Criminal exploitation (CCE), PREVENT radicalisation, knife crime, Substance misuse, negative relationships and lack of identity.

Yes – in full

 £              3,000 


CSP Nuneaton & Bedworth

Targeted youth education addressing exploitation- including risk of county lines, knife crime

To research, develop, coordinate and deliver a universal education officer for schools and youth settings throughout the county. The interventions will provide universal offers for schools and youth settings with the aim of addressing :
– vulnerability and identified risk and protective factors,
– reducing the risk of exploitation which can include county lines, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Child Criminal exploitation (CCE), PREVENT radicalisation, knife crime, Substance misuse, negative relationships and lack of identity.

Yes – in full

 £              9,500 


CSP Rugby

Targeted youth education addressing exploitation- including risk of county lines, knife crime

To research, develop, coordinate and deliver a universal education officer for schools and youth settings throughout the county. The interventions will provide universal offers for schools and youth settings with the aim of addressing :
– vulnerability and identified risk and protective factors,
– reducing the risk of exploitation which can include county lines, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Child Criminal exploitation (CCE), PREVENT radicalisation, knife crime, Substance misuse, negative relationships and lack of identity.

Yes – in full

 £              4,000 


CSP South Warwickshire

Targeted youth education addressing exploitation- including risk of county lines, knife crime

To research, develop, coordinate and deliver a universal education officer for schools and youth settings throughout the county.  The interventions will provide universal offers for schools and youth settings with the aim of addressing :
– vulnerability and identified risk and protective factors,
– reducing the risk of exploitation which can include county lines, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Child Criminal exploitation (CCE), PREVENT radicalisation, knife crime, Substance misuse, negative relationships and lack of identity.

Yes – in full

 £            16,000 


CSP North Warwickshire

Local Domestic Abuse Services

To provide counselling and therapeutic support services to victims of domestic abuse. 

Yes – in full

 £            10,000 


CSP South Warwickshire

GOSS- Going Out Staying Safe.

GOSS- Going Out Staying Safe. Targeted action to ensure the night-time economy is a safe and secure environment especially in light of Lockdown restrictions easing and the anticipated upturn in people going out, socialising. This could include mobile CCTV movements/ upgrades, target hardening initiatives to address emerging trends, Local campaigns, increased targeted resourcing.

Yes – in full

 £            19,150 


CSP South Warwickshire

1) Drugs-related street behaviours
2) Theft of farm vehicles

This bid covers interventions to:
1) reduce the community and business impacts of drugs related street behaviours incl. begging, acquisitive crimes, land and property incl. B&B placements, the new Fred Winter residential centre for homeless and vulnerable people, public spaces and car parks.
2) A partnership pilot GPS tracker scheme for farm vehicles.

Yes – in full

 £              5,840 


CSP South Warwickshire

Warwick University  – advice to students

It is the intention to set up a new partner group to draw together a list of activities which would be delivered by partners with the aim at providing useful information to students in the first term for Warwick University. Information would be provided in relation to not being the victim of crime, fire safety, drug and alcohol abuse, risk taking behaviour, healthy relationships and being a good neighbour.

Yes – in full

 £              2,000 


CSP South Warwickshire

DHR outcomes work

This bid is for a relatively small sum of money available for supporting outcomes/recommendations from any Domestic Homicides within South Warwickshire. It is envisaged that this will relate to promoting where help is available, but may be related to a specific group/sector of the population. – Details of the funding will be driven by the outcomes an gaps identified in the DHR’s.

Yes – in full

 £              3,000 


CSP North Warwickshire

Local Community Safety fund

To support local crime prevention initiatives to prevent rural crime, residential burglary, vehicle crime and anti social behaviour emerging trends and problems.   

Yes – in full

 £              4,469 


CSP Nuneaton & Bedworth

Local Community Safety fund

To support local crime prevention initiatives to prevent crime by:
– target hardening,
– providing quality mobile CCTV,
– delivering projects and campaigns  addressing the emerging trends that arise in the district over the coming year as the country emerges from lockdown. Projects that are being considered include reducing/ preventing serious violence targeted initiatives, town centre initiatives to address trends/ issues in the night time economy, ASB, begging and business threats.

Yes – in full

 £            13,924 


CSP Nuneaton & Bedworth

Knife and Gang/Street Violence

To support work to tackle issues connected to knife crime and other weapons linked to county lines and wider street/urban gang  issues across the Borough but particularly in central parts of Nuneaton and Bedworth due to cross border offending and movement. In addition we would look to focus projects on community cohesion and exploitation as current and emerging issues. 

Yes – in full

 £            35,000 


CSP Rugby

Local Community Safety fund

To support local crime prevention initiatives to prevent crime by:
– target hardening,
– providing quality mobile CCTV,
– delivering projects and campaigns  addressing the emerging trends that arise in the district over the coming year as the country emerges from lockdown. Projects that are being considered include reducing/ preventing serious violence including domestic abuse targeted initiatives, town centre initiatives to address trends/ issues in the night time economy, ASB, begging and business threats.

Yes – in full

 £              8,366 


CSP Rugby

Knife and Gang/Street Violence

To tackle issues connected to knife crime and other weapons linked to county lines and wider street/urban gang  issues across the Borough but particularly in and around Rugby town centre due to cross border offending and movement. In addition we would look to focus projects on community cohesion and exploitation as current and emerging issues. The partnership heavily links with the SOCJAG interventions work and aims to work with CSP’s in other areas ie Nunetaon and bedworth to deliver complimenatory programmes.

Yes – in full

 £              6,000 


CSP North Warwickshire

Safer Warwickshire Officer

To provide a project and initiative funding allocation for the pilot of the Safer Warwickshire Officer role. 

Yes – in full

 £              5,000 


CSP South Warwickshire

Community Safety Officer (County Lines) – contribution

Contribution towards CS Project Officer (FTC). Multi-agency coordination of adults vulnerable to/exploited/engaging in county lines – including risk management and targeted interventions (existing cohort; B&B & Housing First placements and the new Fred Winter Centre residents and service users (Prepare, Prevent, Protect). To deliver a research study of the effectiveness of CSP’s in tackling county lines.

Yes – in full

 £            14,000 


 £       173,381 

Road Safety Fund

Application number


Name of project

Purpose of the grant

Funding Decision

Awarded 2021-22


First Car

Warwickshire Young Driver Strategy

This proposed Warwickshire Young Driver Strategy brings together three existing tried and tested interventions, with the goal of creating a single annual education and engagement strategy to reach every new and young driver in Warwickshire. In essence, the proposal comprises three distinct routes to market:

1. Sixth Forms and Colleges – utilising Young Driver Guides
2. Driving Instructors – utilising The Honest Truth Project
3. Theory and Driving Test Centres – utilising DVSA magazines

Yes – in full

 £            16,905 


South Warwickshire Area Riders

Advanced Rider Skills For Life

To improve the Skills, Understanding and Safety of existing motorcyclists by offering Advanced Motorcycle Training. Our aim is to assist Associate Group Members to achieve the skills and standard required to pass the RoSPA Advanced Motorcycle Test. We would hope to achieve this by offering 1:1 on road training, theory presentations and regular organised Group Rides. Specifically, 1. One day New Rider Skills Workshops; 2. Funding of Advanced Training for new members; 3. One day specific rider skills courses; 4. Training/Assessment for Group Tutors

Yes – in full

 £              6,950 


Warwickshire Police

Commercial Vehicle Unit

Advanced skills training courses to identify stolen commercial/rural vehicles, plant and machinery

Yes – in full

 £              5,373 


Warwickshire Police



Yes – in full

 £            10,000 


 £         39,228